Check it out! This is the Fraser/RayK drawing that
soliloloquyv gave me for Christmas. She's a fantastic artist, and is used to putting up with my fannish obsessions. ;)
Full picture Close up 1 Close up 2 Thanks again!! Definitely one of my best presents this year. I started trying to convert her to DS the night before they left by showing her 'North' (I was choosing from s1, 2, or 4, and had to find the best non-two-parter ep to introduce the series... considered All The Queen's Horses, but have seen it too many times already (3 times in less than a year). ^^ And North doesn't require too much explanation. Also it's awesome.). Partway through she commented that it's 'very homoerotic', LOL. And it really is... I spend so much time reading Fraser/RayK fics, that it's fun to watch North and remember a. how freaking awesome Vecchio is, and b. just how slashly their relationship was, too. I mean seriously, the whole "go get your man!" thing - clearly Bob knows something that Fraser doesn't yet. ;)
Anyway, now I'm craving North!fic, but it can be hard to find really quality F/V fic even though I'm sure it's out there (and have read some). Might go request some on
ds_recfinders; see what people suggest. It's such a fantastic episode, and is a great example of how DS combines comedy with moments of drama and character development (and a healthy dose of general wackiness). There's so much about their relationship packed into that one episode... I love how dedicated Ray is to Fraser, and how the episode highlights the differences between both men and their fathers. Plus of course it's hilarious - Paul Gross does a great job with all the physical comedy. And bonus Red Green, which always cracks me up because my dad used to regularly watch the Red Green Show and we'd laugh at how ridiculous it was. ^^