Only a few hours left, so I figure I'd better do a year in fandom meme before it's too late! :) Okay, so I'm a bit late after all. ^^ Started writing this last night, but then
quettalinde arrived and I didn't get a chance to finish it. So, here we go...
Your main fandom of the year?
Due South, without question. I was still in pundit fandom at the start of the year, but that faded as I got into DS in the spring (though I still have great fondness for it and follow it to some degree).
Your favorite film watched this year?
Hmm. There weren't any new films this year that I got massively excited about, but I greatly enjoyed HP7, Inception, and Toy Story 3. And on a non-fannish note, I saw The King's Speech a couple of weeks ago and it's fantastic. Probably the best movie I've seen this year. Oh, and Iron Man 2, geez, I actually forgot that was this year. -_- Enjoyed it, though it was a bit of a disappointment compared to the first movie.
Your favorite book read this year?
I, um. I really don't read actual books enough... I honestly couldn't say. I barely read anything that wasn't fanfic this year. o.o I did read a fair whack of the works of Ivan Coyote (a local writer), though, and they were excellent. She was the headlining speaker at the writer's festival that my mom runs, and she was fantastic so I've been working my way through her short stories and novels. She writes a lot about what it's like to grow up queer in the Yukon; very interesting. :)
Your favorite album or song to listen to this year?
Honestly? The vast majority of what I listen to comes from fanmixes. God help me. So I couldn't really say... Is it bad if I said Ride Forever by Paul Gross? XD
Your favorite TV show of the year?
Due South, once again. For currently-on-the-air shows, Supernatural is still the main one.
Your best new fandom discovery of the year?
Take a guess... ;) Other new fandom discoveries include: Battlestar Galactica (finally! though I'm not really fannish about it), Slings & Arrows... I think that's it, actually.
Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year?
Hmm. Nothing major, really. Iron Man 2 was a bit disappointing. And I wasn't all that crazy about the Supernatural s5 finale though I can't really pinpoint why (I should watch it again, it'll probably be better without the pounding headache I had), nor am I all that excited by s6. But I'm still enjoying it, overall.
Your TV boyfriend of the year?
Paul Gross! :) With a side helping of Callum Keith Rennie... Still having affairs with Jon and Stephen, though. ;) Love my fake!pundit boys.
Your TV girlfriend of the year?
Ooh, harder. Last year I would have said Rachel Maddow in a heartbeat, but I'm not as into that fandom now and I don't watch her as much. Maybe Starbuck, cuz she's awesome and was my favourite female character on any show I watched this year. Actually scratch that, she's tied with Laura Roslin, who is equally awesomely kick ass and was tied as my favourite character on BSG.
Your biggest squee moment of the year?
Seeing Stephen live at the Vancouver Olympics. The Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear. Watching the series finale of Due South for the first time and realizing that the show didn't end the way I'd feared it would based on accidental (and evidently incorrect) spoiling from fic summaries, and that it in fact ended in the most awesome and slashy way EVER. My
yuletart and DSSS presents, not to mention the DS drawing my cousin gave me. Just in general, discovering DS fandom and all the awesomeness therein. Probably lots more little ones...
The most missed of your old fandoms?
I miss getting super excited over pundit fandom, though Jon and Stephen still make me grin mightily and I continue to watch them religiously every night. But still, I miss being excited over the fannish part of it, and reading fic... it was a great community, and I had a blast being a part of it.
The fandom you haven't tried yet, but want to?
God save me from new fandoms... I'm enjoying DS too much. ;) But yeah, I've started watching SGA, finally, because I'd like to give that fandom a go. There's so much good fic in it, and a ton of it by excellent authors that I know from other fandoms. I'm around 10 eps in, I think, and am enjoying it ok so far but am not super excited by it. We'll see.
Your biggest fan anticipations for the New Year?
Due South/C6D Big Bang! My second year, and this year I'm organizing some art challenges/'reverse mini-bangs' in January so that'll be fun. Um, the new Pirates movie I guess. The end of Harry Potter! Kind of dreading that, actually, but still. DW series 6, and Torchwood series 4 (whenever the heck that's supposed to start?). Not sure what else, off the top of my head... guess we'll see where the new year takes me!
In non-fannish news, I... kind of have a job? Except not really. Well, she did say she'd try to pay me... anyway, Mom called me yesterday and asked if I wanted to take over the marketing and search engine optimization of Dad's website, which we recently re-designed and re-launched (it desperately, desperately needed it!). The SEO alone is gonna take awhile, and I don't know much about marketing... so I'm reading up a lot. But it's good to learn all this stuff, in part because it'll be useful for other jobs, and in part because we really do need to get moving on selling and marketing his art. Because one day I'm going to have to deal with it all... it's frustrating, because he's an established artist who's been recognized by books and museums and has had lots of shows in Europe, and yet it's still very difficult to sell. I Googled 'selling art online' and got helpful advice such as "join Etsy or Deviantart!" um yeah. No. -_-
Anyway... Happy New Year!
quettalinde and I had a nice, relaxing evening not going out and getting shitfaced. ;) Watched the 2nd ep of Farscape (I showed her the pilot awhile back), which isn't exactly one of the better episodes of the series though I actually don't mind it too much. I look forward to her reaching the later, awesome episodes. ^^ (speaking of, I watched the episode "Home" in SGA the other day (1X09 I think?), and wow did it have me flashing back to Farscape's "A Human Reaction". Seriously. It was also the first episode that I felt genuinely drawn into so far... likewise, that ep of Farscape (1X16) was the first that really made me sit up and go "shit, this is really really good". ) Anyway, we watched that, then Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade because she got all the movies for Christmas and I've only seen it, like, once (compared to Raiders, which I've seen countless times). Then watched Anderson ring in the new year, which brought back happy memories of pundit!fandom...
Oh, and DSSS reveals are up! I'll post mine here in a bit.
Let's use this icon, in memory of my time in pundit fandom and because watching AC last night still made me giggle and go "awww, Andy" at various points. Especially the glasses.