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May 27, 2009 16:35

California high court upholds same-sex marriage ban

Suppose I shouldn't be surprised, but... fuck you, California. ;_; This effectively wrecked the start of my day; honest to god I was shaking with anger as I tried to eat breakfast. Then I watched Keith's Prop 8 Special Comment on my iPod in a vague attempt to feel better...

*sigh* But seriously... if Iowa can do it, then WTF California? At least they voted to allow the marriages that were performed last year to remain valid. That would have been.. just horrible, if they'd declared those marriages invalid. WTF. Seriously.

Just gotta keep thinking, it's not forever - it can't last forever. And one day things will be different, the other states will have legalized it and the world will not implode on itself, and dammit Prop 8 will be overturned. I just get so angry seeing the supporters talk about how redefining marriage will so drastically affect and hurt American society - how? No seriously, how? It's just absurd. I'd say that us in Canada haven't been adversely affected yet after 4 years of federally legalized same-sex marriage, but face it, there are a fair number of Americans who think we're a bunch of gay hippie communists anyway. XD But really, it's also been legal in Massachusettes for several years and they haven't imploded... neither did California last year, or Conneticut/Iowa/Vermont/etc since they legalized it. Other than a few people getting to be happy and express their love in a way that some people don't "approve of", no one's been affected. *sigh*

Anyway... gotta distract myself from thinking about it. Just gotta hope that equal marriage advocates can continue to appeal or can get another ballot put out to the people and that 52% of Californians won't, you know, be fuckwads again. Won't be for awhile yet, though...

(course, learning about this was not exactly the best way to distract myself. WTF, a Buffy movie with no Joss and no original cast? NOT AMUSED. I really thought this was a joke when I read it... but apparently it's true.)

gay rights, buffy

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