Jun 02, 2009 16:09

OMFG. It's like fanfiction comes to life... Rahm Emanuel keeps that picture of him and Stephen Colbert from the WH Press Conference a few years ago in his office. This picture. The one where Rahm is kissing Stephen's cheek. That is... utterly epic. :)

I really want to watch this when it airs tomorrow night and the night after... may well decide to download it, dorky though that may be. ^^ But Brian Williams behind the scenes in the West Wing! And Rahm kicking them out of his office! Awesome. :)

And here's the clip of Rahm kicking them out of his office, and you can see the Stephen picture in the background at the start... he's quite polite which is really a bit of a disappointment. ;)

(evidently there are also clips of Obama and Bo being ridiculously cute together... I am so excited, lol. Going to be wasting my limited bandwidth to download it. ^^)

EDIT: Heee, check out this gif of Obama and Bo I found on RBR...

And this one of Bo - OMG so cute! He bats at the boom mike! *dies*

politics, pundits

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