(no subject)

May 25, 2009 13:45

Crosspost from my travelblog, with a couple of minor edits. If you've already read it over there you can skip this one... (plus, part of this is actually copied/pasted from an earlier post here...)

We've been at our first WWOOF host's place for about 6 days now, and so far it's been lovely. Yes really, I am enjoying myself and the gardening. ;) She's got a nice little property with an organic vegetable garden and a river. There's a bunch of us here right now (aside from our host, there are 2 men that live and work here and 2 other WWOOFers from Taiwan, plus the dog. So yeah, pretty full, but it's nice...). Mostly we've been gardening - weeding, planting, harvesting... for about 4 hours per day, then relaxing in the afternoon and evening. Saturday was market day, which meant waking up at 4:45am to drive to the site of the market and set up the tables with the food to sell (cookies, cakes, sausage rolls, dips, soups... various other stuff). Waking up before 5 aside, it was fun - after setting up we went to get breakfast and wandered around while the other two girls worked, then we came back and worked the remaining 2 hours to sell the food (and we pretty much sold out!). We were back by ~2 and spent the remainder of the day resting and doing very little...

Yesterday was a half day off, which meant cleaning the house in the morning and doing very little in the afternoon and evening. Mostly just hung out on the couch, watched TV, starting writing this post (I've been trying to finish it for 2 days and have to keep editing it slightly as a result. ^^ Just trying to finish uploading the pictures, and since she's on solar power I can only charge my laptop during the day and only get to use it for a couple of hours a day before the battery dies...). Today's our full day off, so we've headed into Portland (the town she lives near) to explore. It's ended up being a pretty rainy day, but we decided to come anyway - had to get out of the house. Am in the library now enjoying the ability to use my computer while it's plugged in. ^^ Not much to do, but we wandered around a bit... will have a late lunch in awhile.

Anyway, we have another week here before heading to our next host, an artist who runs a gallery/cafe/b&b. Looking forward to that one (check out his website here). Not sure what after, we'll see... might go to one more place, then back to Melbourne for a day or two, then I'm heading up to Sydney for about a week before moving on to Queensland and Brisbane, where rainbow_pegacorn is. :) And soliloloquyv is probably heading to Perth and the west coast in July since she has friends there (and evidently it's very beautiful... not sure if I'll make it out that way, but we'll see).

Now some pictures... a few of the property and house, then a bunch of sunrise pictures from Saturday morning that I took while we were setting up. Incredibly beautiful sunrise, the pictures don't really do it justice...

Me in the garden... proof that I have indeed been gardening. :)

Posing in the garden

Cows in the property next to ours

The house

The garden

The little dock/dingy in the river

Another river shot

More river...


And a bunch of sunrise pics


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