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meloenchen March 25 2013, 19:34:20 UTC

And yes, I’m allowed to laugh at you because I’m in the same boat. I weep with you.

I finished season one just because of Lucy Lawless breast and the astonishing amount of cock that was shown (I’m shallow like that). But since my somewhat favourite character was dying on screen and Any Whitefield dying of cancer off screen I never even considered watching any further seasons.

And then came pandorah along with some nice queer baiting gif sets and voilà I was watching the second season within a day. I’m that easy.

I knew everyone was going to die in the end (SDK will not alter the ending towards a positive outcome, I’m sure of it), but I didn’t care at first. And then there is Agron and Nasir, the reason I started watching again, and I just love those two (and not just because they have some hot many sex). I didn’t think I would become so invested in them. They’re so cute and stuff and they will die. Weep with me.


rheasilvia March 25 2013, 20:53:23 UTC
Sister! Let us fall into each others arms and weep together in eery chorus. (Ahem, sorry. *g*)

There is nothing wrong with being shallow like that, if you ask me. :-) I think it's about time television gave equal time to naked guys. And why not cover them in gold leaf while they're at it.

Lucretia was your favorite character, then? I loved her too - she was awesomely horrible. And I also really missed Batiatus, for the same reason. And I loved that these two rotten people were so honestly devoted to each other - they really were in love! Right to the end.

I knew everyone was going to die in the end (SDK will not alter the ending towards a positive outcome, I’m sure of it), but I didn’t care at first. Yep. That sounds so familiar. So very, very familiar ( ... )


meloenchen March 25 2013, 22:08:05 UTC
I’m so glad someone on my flist is watching the show as well, for I’m not alone in my pain anymore.

Lucretia and Batiatus were kick ass. I never thought I could like such rotten (perfect word for those two!!) characters that much! But I am glad to be rid of Ilithya and Glaber. They were meant to be hated and gods, did I hate them.

They did a good job on the “villains” of this season. Crassus and Ceasar are almost likeable, I even can understand their motivation. I was rather perplexed to what happened to Ceasar, didn’t see that one coming.

As for Tiberius. Haven’t we had at least one good-looking young and overachieving Roman who’s only purpose was to be cruel and unlikable and eventually die. Tiberius in this season, Seppius (who lusted after his sister) in the last, I didn’t, watch “Gods of the Arena, so I don’t know about that, but there is Numerius in season one (the one who force Spartacus to kill his Friend Varro).

And more importantly, I think that if Agron were truly dead, he would have gotten a different send-off. ( ... )


rheasilvia March 25 2013, 22:33:27 UTC
Heee, I just posted an entire new post because my reply to your first comment got out of hand ( ... )


meloenchen March 25 2013, 22:59:54 UTC
Interesting take on the Nasir/Castus thing. I can see what you mean the way you put it.

I think I "like" Crassus because he is smarter and thinks before he does something. I can kind of see why Tiberius does what he does, but you are right, it's too abruptly. Crassus is cruel, sure, but it’s kind of a measured cruelty, that has purpose to some extent. Tiberius is just random. I hate random (I know, I’m weird). I truly hope Tiberius will die in the next episode.

Heee, I just posted an entire new post because my reply to your first comment got out of hand. :-)

*off to read the new entry"


rheasilvia March 25 2013, 23:16:10 UTC
I don't think Tiberius is random at all - in fact, even though it was at first entirely unclear why on earth he raped Kore, later on it turned out he had a plan, and that it was actually a pretty good one. His father took away his best friend, the person who was closest to him and probably the only one he truly loved. So he was taking away something of equal value from his father - Kore ( ... )


Nachtrag meloenchen March 25 2013, 22:32:49 UTC

Can't some of them escape over the Alps...? *whimper*
Sure, just nobody we care about.

I might want to eat my words.
I just read the Spartacus
Wikipedia article (of the real one, not the series) and found this sentence: Plutarch, Appian and Florus all claim that Spartacus died during the battle, however Appian also reports that his body was never found

There is hope for Spartacus???
And someone said somewhere on the internet that Agron and Nasir are not based on actual historic persons so there might be hope for them too?
Not for Gannicus and Castus though, according to Wikipedia, they had to die as well. Which I’m ok with, I never cared for Gannicus that much.


Re: Nachtrag rheasilvia March 25 2013, 22:33:55 UTC
Well, AFAIK Crixus' body was never found either...

I would like to think there is hope for Spartacus, but I don't see it because of the character. There is going to be slaughter in the final battle, followed by a massive amount of crucifications. Spartacus wouldn't *not* be there with his people. I just can't see it.

But yes, I was hoping for Agron and Nasir.


Re: Nachtrag meloenchen March 25 2013, 22:49:01 UTC
Well, AFAIK Crixus' body was never found either...

Now you're just crushing all my hopes.
Just kidding. Never truly believed he would make it.
There is just nothing left for Spartacus worth living for. He only truly loved Sura. Cared for but did not love Mira and just fucks Laeta. I don't think he will ever love again.

Mira was one of those characters who went from meh to wow and the fact that Spartacus did not love her back made me sad.


Re: Nachtrag rheasilvia March 25 2013, 23:41:52 UTC
I loved Mira, at the end. I was sorry that she died because she could have developed beyond pining after Spartacus, and become yet more awesome ( ... )


Re: Nachtrag rheasilvia March 25 2013, 22:36:47 UTC
Oh, on Gannicus: Same here. I don't dislike him, but I never warmed to him.

I didn't realize Castus was a historical character. Nice work, Agron, throwing Nasir at a guy who historically dies because it's supposedly safer!! Fucking barbarians from East of the Rhine. ;-)


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