On Spartacus 3x08, and why it is my own damn fault.

Mar 25, 2013 01:38

Why did I decide it was a good idea to watch this show?

Oh my god I'm so depressed.

Why on earth did I decide it was a good idea to watch a show about the slave rebellion? I don't know what madness gripped me. I mean, hello, as much as TV shows like this like to twist history, there are limits. So I knew what I was getting into.

But it seemed like a show that wouldn't be able to engage me emotionally. And it was so absolutely ridiculous at first glance (read: in the first ep, which might well have been the worst thing I have ever seen on television - well, the 7 or 8 minutes I saw of it before I was forced to abandon the attempt because of acute contact embarrassment).

And I heard so much about the show and was curious and thought, well, if all else fails I can simply stop watching several eps before the end of the series.

I've been meaning to write a smirky post about the buckets of fake blood that spray across the screen in slow motion at every opportunity, and how I think the gore is very overdone for no reason I can really fathom, and how I squint and fast-forward through the fight scenes because, seriously, way too much. (Also, show, no it is definitely not that easy to cut off heads with that kind of sword, and especially not to slice straight through skulls. But never mind that now, who cares about those minor issues now when THINGS HAVE COME TO THIS HORRIBLE PASS.)

But somehow, beyond reason, the entire thing grows on you anyway because of the characters. And some things are actually done astoundingly well, especially for a show so drowning in blood. Like characterization. And the entire slave issue. And the female characters, who start out meh and then really power through. And the relationships. And the damn characters.

And yes, the show jumped the shark pretty severely in many ways in season 3, and OMG WTF BBQ WHAT IS THIS CAESAR NONSENSE no show you are not being clever and original, you have just gone totally off your gourd. That was the bad crack you were smoking that day in the plotting session.

But none of that matters now, because OMG I am so depressed.

Just, show - pull another resurrection like you did with Lucretia? Please? Just one? And don't have this one go backwards over a cliff later on...?


episode commentary, spartacus

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