Merely stating facts
Like a fucking battlefield
Fate (and a dead grandmother*) brought me and
missadroit together again for our annual Pre- or Post-Holiday Spectacular. We ate all of the finest that the Trader had to offer, devoured a Cold Stone ice cream cake, played with cats, took silly pictures, and challenged each other on Nintendo DS.
Holding random artifacts: the fiber optic snowman, magazine with girl I know on the cover, and the Gordon card
Me and my preciouses
With gifts
Whoa! Nobody told me that the gun show was in town!
The cat as a hat
Today was our final in Clinical Processes, quite possibly the most ridiculous class I've ever taken. The two instructors are pretty much famous for poorly-written, ambiguous exam questions. One of them actually surprised me-her questions were surprisingly clear (compared to all of her previous quizzes and tests that I've taken.) When I took the portion written by the other woman, it was like a fucking battlefield.
But, afterwards, we received back our papers, and they were really generous with the grading. I had a perfect score, so unless I get like a 60% on the final, I should pass the class. (Which, I suppose, isn't impossible.)
One more final on Tuesday, and this semester is over, praise Allah.
Tonight, I'm going to Snookers' with some folk from my program. I don't know who all will show up, but Amy, Brittany, Steven (Amy's boyfriend), and Joshua (new guy at the Y whom I met at the spring break pool) will be there.
*Not being insensitive, merely stating facts.