Oct 22, 2006 00:31
I figured I'd spend a considerable amount, but not nearly so much as I did. Tomorrow I'll wake up with a spending hangover where I look through my checkbook and realize I'm going to have to figure out bills a little differently. Also, the speeding ticket doesn't help. Believe me, I had it comin', because out of the 5 times I've been pulled over for speeding, this is my first citation. While I was going a good 17 over the speed limit, he wrote that I was only going about 5, so that the fine is only $71 instead of $120. Clearly, it pays to be extremely polite and contrite to police officers.
Hopefully I can get the judge to knock it down some more.
But back to the spending. I bought some new Converse, a Zombie Survival Guide, black dog ears (clearly I'm going as Padfoot for Halloween), an Andy Warhol bag of Jackie Kennedy, two pairs of pants, and some pretty underwear. I know a woman with an arse my size should not be plastering sassy words across it, but pretty lacy boy-shorts printed with witticisms can't be passed up on any occasion. Especially when they're buy 3 get 2 free. I also managed to come home with four new albums: Razorlight, Evanescence, My Chemical Romance, and Receiving End of Sirens. And V for Vendetta!
Christ, rehashing it makes it sound like I need some spending counseling. *shifty eyes* Anyway! Underpants!