Oct 29, 2007 19:41
Last time I wrote in this my grandpa was nearing his final days. Those days have came and went, and I'm glad that his suffering is over. It's interesting because never before have I felt someone so close to me give up the ghost. My mother is finally getting past the grieving process and I'm glad to see that she's feeling better. I never did get my Eagle Scout Award in time, but I suppose that it wasn't all my fault. I feel pretty numb about the whole situation still, his demise still hasn't sunk in.
For the most part, I'm pretty happy. The school year has started out rather well. I'm getting good grades and my classes are pretty interesting. I'm getting to know new people and beginning to shed some of the other folks in my life that now have become meaningless. For once in a long time I have this longing to be in a real relationship with a female.
I just wonder sometimes when it will be my turn.