Friday afternoon, near the Perk

Dec 21, 2007 15:21

After running into a wonderfully naked Sam in town. Peter was currently on a mission. But beyond making sure he never lost any hypothetical photos he may have taken, he was also in the mood for caffiene. So here he was, headed for the Perk.

Jaye, meanwhile, was thinking she was pretty safe in the daytime. And rather than doing anything smart like using that time to sleep- mostly because she wasn't allowed, thanks lion- she decided to chance a caffeine run.

And if she happened to see someone familiar... "Steve!"

Amazingly? Peter knew that name was referring to him. He turned around to see who was calling him. "Jaye! How's it going?"

"Everything sucks, you?" she asked, ignoring a sudden muffled voice from her purse.

"Taking the latest win on ANTM pretty hard, huh?" Peter asked, with sympathy.

"And that's another thing! I missed the finale! And I think the encore!"

Hearing another muffle from her purse, she sighed and said, "Excuse me."

And opening her purse, she yelled into it, "WHAT."

"You know they repeat it on VH1 a whole bunch of..." Peter trailed off when Jaye yelled. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, damn thing's mouthing off again," she said, fishing in her purse. "Anyway, go on. VH1?"

"Your cell?" Peter guessed. Because the only other thing he could think of would be a small yappy dog, and Jaye just did not seem the type.

"Lion," she said, pulling it from her purse.

Save the doc.

Jaye sighed. "This is all I hear nowadays. Save the doc, save the doc, Polly wanna cracker, save the doc. It gets old."

"What's wrong with the dock?" Peter asked, totally mishearing her. "Far as I know we haven't had any boats run into it."

"Yeah, it's really better not to ask me to interpret these messages," Jaye said. "If it tells me something, I just relay the blah blah blah. Say, you don't know any docs that need saving, do you? Help me shut this thing up so I can sleep?"

"Ones on the beach, that one in Santa Barbara that went up in flames," Peter rattled off, off the top of his head.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Jaye admitted.

"Docks," Peter said. "Or are we talking about something else?"

"I have no idea. What other kind of docs are there?"

She looked at the lion for clarification.

The lion was no help.

"See, this?" she said, holding the lion up. "Is why I hate this thing. Talk talk talk and then go conveniently silent."

"The lion talks to you," Peter repeated, just to make sure he was hearing that right.

"Smile and nod and remember where you are," Jaye advised.

Peter did as she instructed, which is why after about three seconds he was able to say, "Fandom, right. Okay, when did it start?"

"Uh, about six months before I got here," she said, not realizing that might not be what he was asking.

"There's been a dock that needs saving all that time?" Peter asked.

"Oh, that?" Short attention span. "Oh, no, the doc thing was just since I got here. This stupid thing dragged me back all the way from LA for this."

"Well, that's gotta narrow down the location, right?" Peter suggested, ever the optimist. "You know it's not anything in LA."

"Oh, it's totally here. I'm there, nothing. I come here, and it's yap yap yap yap yap. Do you want to save a doc, Steve? Seriously, even if the message isn't for you, can you pretend it is? It'll be like a game."

"I'm all for saving people," Peter said. He blinked. "Wait - could it be a person? Save a doctor?"

She had no idea. "Sure, why not. Sounds good to me."

"Could be one of the doctors in town," Peter said, warming to the idea. "Do you have any more detail? A name? A time?"

Jaye looked expectantly at the lion.

"He's not nothin'," she said after a moment. "He's not very helpful. I don't know why I haven't chucked him into a fireplace yet."

"The chance of hearing screaming?" Peter guessed.

Jaye stared at him. "Now I really can't, thanks a lot."

Peter tried to look contrite. "Sorry."

"Just for that, I'm shoving my next message on you, too," she said. "Even if I have to call you from LA."

"Always happy to help," Peter said. "I'll see if I can keep an eye on the docs for you. Maybe that way you'll have time to finally watch the Top Model finale."

"Or send me a torrent link. That'll work. Or act it out for me," she said. "...I might need coffee."

"I am not acting it out for you," Peter said. "I like my current hairstyle too much."

"Huh," Jaye said, eyeing his hair. "Okay, I'm going in."

And as she headed to the Perk, she said, "Save the doc, save the world!" Because it sounded like a good line.

Peter, distracted from his original mission by the desire to help Jaye out, paused.

He wondered why that phrase felt so familiar.

Eh, must've been his imagination. He went off to figure out which doc might be in danger.

[NFI, OOC-AOK, prelayed with fates_jaye.]

wtfnekkidsamw?, plot point theater, jaye, angelus redux

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