Xmas Eve, Petrelli residence, NYC

Dec 24, 2007 22:09

Traveling back on the 24th had seemed like such a good idea, really. Except for the part where he was traveling on the 24th of December to a city that wasn't exactly unknown for Christmas celebrations.

So a trip that in theory would've gotten him home with hours to relax ended up getting him onto the front doorstep with barely any time to spare before he needed to leave for Midnight Mass - and this only by the grace of Angela having gone ahead to secure the family's seats.

Peter raced upstairs and started changing into a suit as fast as he could. Not long after there came a knock at his door.

"It's open," Peter called.

Nathan came in, already dressed to go. "You made it."

"Would've been faster flying on my own," Peter said, by way of agreement. He jerked his arms into a dress shirt. "How come you're not with Ma?"

"Brought you an early present," Nathan said. He held up a bag from McDonald's.

Peter, who hadn't eaten since a small snack on the plane, pounced on it eagerly. "Best brother ever."

"Watch your shirt," Nathan warned him. "And don't tell Ma."

"She okay?" Peter asked. He left his shirt unbuttoned while he wolfed down his burger, figuring it'd be okay if any ketchup stains only fell on his undershirt. "You?"

"She's got so many parties going I don't think she's got time to wonder about okay," Nathan said, with a shrug that indicated that was Angela for you. "I'm fine. What's the latest?"

The last time Peter and Nathan had spoken was by phone Sunday morning. So the only things that Nathan needed updating on were "I did a curse to soul a vampire, which I don't wanna repeat anytime soon, and Sam's an asshole."

Nathan stared at Peter as he took this in. Finally he said, "You and me are going to have some quality alone time so I hear all the details on those stories."

Peter finished off his burger and licked his fingers to clean them before going to button up his shirt again. "Believe me, I'd love to share 'em."

"Later," Nathan said. He helped Peter put on his tie. "If we don't get there soon Ma's going to blow."

Tie done, Peter shrugged into his jacket. "Think she'll notice if I fall asleep?"

"Doesn't she always?"

Peter smirked and followed Nathan down to the car.


nathan, nyc, my bff's kind of a dick sometimes

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