One more reason why I hate Interstate 94 around Minneapolis

Oct 08, 2006 19:44

Back at the dorm. Got here in one piece, though there was a bit of a fender bender just past Minneapolis. Car in front of me stopped kinda suddenly, then I managed to stop, and the car behind me managed to stop, but I don't think the car behind that one quite made it. As far as I can tell, though, me and the car in front of me got off lightly. Coyote's bumpers are a bit scuffed, and the elderly couple in front of me has a big black mark on their bumper from where Coyote was knocked into them, but as far as I can tell that was it. The car behind me, however, had it's back entirely smashed in, and the I imagine the car behind that got its front smashed in. The guy in the far back might have a broken finger, but that was the only casualty. And thankfully, this time I was entirely unresponsible - the guy in the back got all the blame for that. I'm still gonna take Coyote to a local garage if I can find an honest one, just to get him checked over. I didn't notice anything wrong with steering or over heating or anything in the final hour or so of my voyage after the accident, so I'm hoping that's a good sign. If anything, I think his alignment might have been knocked off a bit, but since he already pulled to the right a bit, its kinda hard to tell. Anyone know of any honest mechanics in St. Cloud? You think the Chevy dealership would be honest? And, if so, would they charge me just to look it over? Ah, well, I guess I have some investigating to do.

So, yes. That was my excitement coming home. I would've far preferred to *avoid* such excitement, but shit happens. My hate for Interstate 94 north of Minneapolis has increased ten fold, though. And I already hated it. I think I might just try and avoid it all together from now on, even if it does take me an extra hour or so to get home and back. It just really doesn't have that good of a reputation with me. Driving home there was another accident that slowed traffic majorly on the other side of Minneapolis, and as far as I can recall, though god knows how many times my family and I have driven that road, there has been an accident 2 times out of every 5 that we use the road. While I understand that they need three (sometimes four, occasionally even 5) lanes per side to keep traffic flowing as smooth as possible around Minneapolis/St. Paul, I can't help but wonder if it's more trouble (and danger) that its worth, because for every accident, at least one lane and sometimes two or three are blocked off for an hour or two at a time. More lanes of traffic, higher chance of accidents. The math doesn't exactly pan out as far as I'm concerned. Though it probably depends on what angel you're looking at it from. Me, I'm a pretty safe Wisconsin driver, from an area where there are only two lanes of traffic per side on the interstate and the speed limit is 65 with no minimum, so the slower and the fewer, the better in my book. However, Minnesota has lots of three lane interstates (and sometimes quite a few more) where the speed limit is 70 mph with a minimum of 40-45 mph, so perhaps they feel more and faster is better. Probably why they tend to have more automobile accidents, too.

Okay, I'll stop dissing Minnesota drivers now. For tonight, at least.

accident, car

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