Silver Mound

Oct 07, 2006 19:55

Slept in my own bed last night! YAY unsaggy mattresses! And Mommy came home after her meeting rather than drive up to Silver Mound for the night like my dad had, so I got to see at least one parent a little while after I got home. We spent the evening watching Doctor Who, which apparently started last week. Watched all three of the "new" episodes; the two Dad recorded for me from last week, and then the newest one that was on last night. Alas, no Stargate for Maren, but YAY Doctor Who! And I have to say, Billy Piper did a *very* good Cassandra.

Then this morning Mom and I went up to Silver Mound for the annual Archeology Days. Dad, as I mentioned before, spent the night in the cabin he rented for the weekend. It seemed a little quieter up there this year than it was last year, but then again, I didn't really wander around the booths much. We went for a walk through the woods instead with one of my parents' knapping friends, Scott Dobler. We also found out that Silver Mound has now been dedicated as a Historical Site, which was a very cool surprise. This means that it's protected should anyone come along and wanna tear it up for a building a condo or housing development or something. This is a very good thing.

Spent lots of time just sitting outside with the parents and their friends just catching up on everything that's been going on the last few weeks, and its been very nice. I'm really glad I made it home this weekend. I am not, however, looking forward to another 5 hour drive back to St. Cloud tomorrow. But still, it's nice to be home, even if its just for a day and a half (leaving around 11 or 12 tomorrow).

silver mound, doctor who, day summary

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