Mar 09, 2006 20:38
I so totally love my new lap top. ::hearts Shadowlite:: We still haven't been able to get her online since Saturday (though admittedly we haven't been trying that hard), but I can rip CDs on her which makes me far happier than it really should. So far I've ripped dueSouth volume 1, my Bourne Supremacy Soundtrack, and Vanessa Mae's Storm all within an hour or less! (all three CDs in an hour, not an hour for each CD) And, I've been able to transfer all three of them to my shiny Creative Zen MP3 player that arrived on Tuesday and which I just used today and it is so small and light and it can fit into the pockets of my work out shorts and YAY! At first I was kinda "dammit, I can't make play lists on here. Ah, well, YAY for portable music!" and then just now I discovered how to make *folders* in the Creative Media software that came with the player which makes it easier to transfer files and I can transfer the folders to the MP3 player, which means I can play each album separately if I want too instead of mushed all together on one list! YAY!
YAY shiny new computers and stuff! Now all I got to do is take Shadowlite into school with me one of these days and see if I can't get some of the campus IT people to help me get her back online, and then there is every possibility that Shadowlite with become the new Center of my Universe and I will never have to leave the house ever again. Okay, so I'll still leave the house for the whole work and school thing and to, like, get food and stuff, and I admit that her "WHEEE! Shiny!" will probably wear out eventually, but otherwise? Shadowlite will so totally be the alter I worship in front of for the next two weeks or so. ;)
Okay, yes, I will stop spazzing now.