This is a cool article on Vesuvius that I ran across. Apparently the poor, stupid, bronze-age farmers from 2000 years before the famous eruption that buried Pompeii and Herculean had more brains in them than the high-bred, rich burocrats who were killed instantly during the 79 AD eruption; the remains of only two human bodies were found for the eruption 4000 years ago, where as the entire city of Pompeii was cooked to a crisp in AD 79.
79 AD
Vesuvius: ::grumble grumble:: ::CRACK:: ::KABOOOM!::
Rich Pompeii Bureaucrats: Oh, hey, the ground is shaking. And look at that big dark cloud coming from the top of the mountain. Cool, lets all stand around and watch it. Except for you, slaves, get back to work!
Slaves: ::freaking out:: ::running away::
RPB: Come back you useless whelps! You can't leave until I SAY you can leave! Ah, the lot of miserable no-good animals anyway... I shall go count all my mon-- ::WOOSH:: ::is statuefied in throes of agony::
2000-some BC
Vesuvius: ::grumble grumble::
Unlearned Bronze-age farmers: You know, something isn't right here...
Vesuvius: ::CRACK::
UlBaF: SHIT! Explosion=BAD! Um... hey, honey, why don't you go find the the kids... I have the sudden urge to go visit your sister in Sumeria for a few weeks!
Vesuvius: ::KABOOM::
UlBaF: OMIGOD, RUN! ::is safely 20 to 25 miles away before the WOOSH can get to them::
More proof to the fact that Money makes you Stupid. ;)
On a slightly different note,
THEY LIIIIIIIIIIVE! Okay, so they don't really live, they're just weird flashes of light during thunderstorms, but the consept is kinda cool. Shiiiiiny...
::needs a volcano icon or something with a shiny explosion in it::