(no subject)

Aug 22, 2005 09:26

Everything still appears to be on schedule for my flights... ::crosses fingers and hopes things will stay that way until 7:20 tonight::

Honestly, I'm more worried about getting to the airports on time and having everything I need to get through customs and stuff than I am about the actual flight. I am, however, incredibly grateful at the moment that I do have that hour lay-over in Iceland, cause at least then I'll have a chance to get up and walk around and use the bathroom and all that fun stuff. It also gives me a little break in the whole Uber Long Flight thing, cause I'm still a mite paranoid that I would get *incredibly* air sick if I did the straight 10 hour jaunt. I'm thinking if I survived the 6 hour flight it was from Hawaii to San Francisco without getting sick, I should be able to survive the 6 hour flight from Minneapolis to Reykjavik without getting sick as well. The only doubt I have with that whole theory is I woke up this morning with a bit of a sour stomach (note to self: do *not* eat a huge serving of taco salad that's been sitting out for a bit right before bed. The tummy does not like that) that I'm thinking might effect the whole air sick thing if it doesn't start feeling better before I get on the plane. Granted, I don't feel too bad... I could just blame it on nerves, too. *Really* hope it will start feeling better before I get on the plane, though.

Also, I am going to try and stash cheese curds in my check luggage. Here's hoping that a) the customs people won't take them away from me, and b) they don't go bad due to the lack of refrigeration for quite a few hours. Granted, those luggage compartments aren't heated, so they'll probably have quite good refrigeration for the majority of the flight. Negative 30 degrees of refrigeration, at that. Hopefully that won't hurt them too much, either.

Anyhoo, heading out in an hour or two, so see you all when I get back! Emma and Joe have wireless in their appartment, so I'll probably have internet access fairly regularly. I won't however, be keeping up with my friends list (yeah, so what else is new). Will try and catch up when I get back.

{{{{{hugs everyone}}}}}
~ Maren

germany, travel, cheese

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