(no subject)

Aug 23, 2005 21:56

I'm here! Attempting to get used to the keyboard on Emma's lap top. the buttons are bigger than I'm used to and quite a bit more compacted. but, it works, just there might be a few more typos that usual.
But, yes, I made it to Germany in one peice. Am uber tired as I have been awake for just shy of 35 hours straight, but I maded it.

Not gonna report much cause I'm writing in an *actual* journal about all the fun stuff we do and will report that when I get back home, but I will say this: so far, the best part of the afternoon? Getting to glomp Emma, Joe, *AND* Verena in person! Verena and Emma took lotsa pictures (we went to the zoo) cause I left my camera in the car, so be sure you pester the hell out of them to post them. :)

And now I go take over Emma and Joe's bathroom cause wow do I need a shower. For the record, ten hours on a plane with no opportunity to get up and walk around and very little opportunity to even stand up and stretch? Not fun. I will, however, say that Iceland Air has the most comfortable air plane seats I've ever experienced. Granted, they're still air plane seats and therefore are still rather uncomfortable to a degree, but seriously... when compared with the other air lines I've flown on, they're pretty gosh darn good.

germany, travel, sleep deprived

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