Sci Fi Friday

Aug 19, 2005 22:33

Sci Fi Friday mostly non-spoilery reactions:

Firefly: ::hearts River::

SG-1: YAY Amanda! And hee! Loved the basketball game! "Now that's my woman!" Hee!

SG Atlantis: I miss Groden. I very much felt the lack of Groden this episode, though I'm not really sure why. I just did. I miss Groden. A lot. :,(
That said, my love for McKay has also increased ten fold after this episode. ::luffs on McKay::

Battlestar Galatica: YAY Kara/Lee shippiness! And awwwww! at that little moment they had. ::hearts Lee::
Adama still almost made me cry (he didn't, mind, just almost. More proof to the fact that last week was totally hormones... >,>... <.<), though Dee was partially responsible for that.
And Roslin still makes me hate her one moment and love her the next. Not sure what this means.

On an entirely different note, my hair is all gone! Okay, so not *all* gone, but they did chop off about 5 inches (and likely 6 with the layering). Where as my hair had been about 4 inches from the top of my jeans, it's now about 4 inches just below the shoulders at the longest. Gonna be a pain in the ass to braid for the next few weeks, but at least I still *can* braid it and pull it back. It also looks way hot down now. Granted, it looked way hot when I had it down before, but now it's even hotter with a hint of natural curl and a kinda flirty flip. And I look frelling adorable in pig tails! Even more adorable than I did before, even if I can't really do the braided pig tail thing anymore.

Also, another random note, I haven't really read my friends list since around the third, and I'm not even going to *attempt* to catch up any more with the whole being gone for a week, so yeah... If anything important has happened since early August, please direct my attention to it?
On the same note, because I've been such a horrid friend with the whole not keeping track of my friends list thing, I'm doing another one of those guilt-free defriending days. So, if you so choose, I'm offering anyone on my friends list the chance to de-friend me guilt free, no questions asked. If you're behind on your friends list like me, or if it's getting a bit out of controle, or if for some bizzare reason you just don't like me anymore, I won't hold any hard feelings if you decide to de-friend me. I won't even take it personally! With school starting again soon (if it hasn't already), and with all the stuff left that we all who *aren't* in school yet have to stuff into the few remaining weeks of summer, I know it'll be a bitch for a good portion of you all to keep track of what's going on in the LJ world. Therefor, if you want to do some later summer/fall cleaning on your friends list, feel free to add my name to the "dismiss" list without any hard feelings between us. God knows I'll never catch up, and my list only has about 50 people, so I can only imagine how difficult it might be to keep up with some of the 150/200/400 the lot of you seem to have aquired. So, yes, I herby declare this my annual de-friending day; if you so choose, boot me off your buddy list and I promise I won't hold it against you.

That said, I need to do more laundry. Hey, Emma and/or Verena? What's the temperature like over in Germany these days? Should I be packing fall-ish clothes or summer-ish clothes? Both? Do I have to dig out my stash of sweat shirts?
Also, Emma? Anything from over here in the US of A that you're all nostolgic for that I should stash in my luggage for you? I'll have plenty of room since I had to upgrade to the medium-sized rolling luggage since your anniversery gift wouldn't fit in the smallest one, so there should be a good cubic foot or so where I can stowe something for you if you want me too. As long as it's non-perishable, that is. Not sure if a Papa John's Pizza will survive the trip. ;D

hair, sg1, firefly, laundry, sga, bsg, lj

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