
Nov 26, 2003 16:30

Quiz spam. As always, lots of em.

though I think some of these I mighta posted before. Sorry if that's that case.

You are the One Born of the Stars! People try their
best to understand you knowing that in the end
there is no way to comprehend your mind or
heart. You look the world over trying to to
find those of your own kind. Your very simmilar
to the Waiting Lover, though throughout your
ordeal you keep a cheerful face. You know
you'll find them eventually so why worry? Until
then you have fun baffling the masses.

What's Your Fantasy Based Personality? (Pics With Results!
brought to you by Quizilla

Wow... that one actually fits me pretty well.

Your temper comes fast and does maximum damage when
it does.
Often you begin to grumble before you let your
anger out.
Those who know you know to get the hell out of your
way when you start to get upset.

What DIRE WEATHER FORECAST do you turn into when you're angry?
brought to you by Quizilla

Oooo... Pretty...

But, I got this after changing one answer

Brrr! You're a WINTER STORM.
You get very quiet when you're angry.
Most people would call you heartless and cold,
but that's only because you don't tell them what's
really on your mind.

What DIRE WEATHER FORECAST do you turn into when you're angry?
brought to you by Quizilla

Just a little change, no? :D

You're Most Like The Season Winter ...

You're often depicted as the cold, distant season.
But you're incredibly intelligent, mature and
Independent. You have an air of power around
you - and that can sometimes scare people off.
You're complex, and get hurt easily - so you
rarely let people in if you can help it. You
can be somewhat of a loner, but just as easily
you could be the leader of many. You Tend to be
negative, and hard to relate to, but you give
off a relaxed image despite being insecure -
and secretly many people long to be like you,
not knowing how deep the Winter season really

Well done... You're the most inspirational of
seasons :)

?? Which Season Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla

Also fits me pretty well, except the being negative part. Often refer to meself as the ice queen, and that's a pretty picture... ::is distracted by the shiny::

Your soul is bound to the Second Totem, Luna:
The Wolf.

Luna appears as a pair of coral colored wolves.
She embodies empathy, nurturing, insight,
and warmth. She is associated with the
color coral, the season of spring, and the
element of wind. Her downfall is pathos.

You are most compatible with Doves and Ravens.

Which Animal Spirit Totem Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Wheee! Chi, we're compatible! :D
Also? Ooo, pretty piture!

Sword of Freedom:
The sword for you is the Sword of Freedom. Similar
to King Arthur's Escalaber, the Sword of
Freedom can only go to someone who is honest
and kind hearted in nature. The sword can feel
your inner goodness and thus will protect you
when needed. The minute your heart turns cold,
the sword will betray you.

What Kind of Sword is Right for You? ((AWESOME PICS INCLUDED!!))
brought to you by Quizilla

Oooo, pretty... ::wants::
Also? Way better picture then that other sword quiz I took.


?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
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Which My Little Pony are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

Cute! Though Skydancer? fits me pretty well too.

You are Leonardo...You are hardworking and posess
strong leadership abilities. You can be a bit
overbearing at times, but we still love you!

Which Ninja Turtle Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Yeah... really not surprised here. YAY swords!

So. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. We're headed up to Ripion for dinner with my mom's parents. Mmmmm, mashed potatoes and green bean casserole. And hopefully lots of pie. :D

Speaking of pie, my mother and I are gonna probably end up making a few most of the night again since she doesn't get home until like 8 and there ain't no way I'm gonna start cooking before she gets here. Too lazy, and though I can cook pretty damn well when I have a recipe to follow, I don't feel like digging out all the ingredients and clearing off a space on the table which is once again cluttered with all sorts of stuff thanks to my dad. Ugh, sometimes I really really wish my parents weren't such pack rats. And I often wish my father wasn't such a procrastinator when it comes to paying bills and such, cause they end up spread all over the table in a disorganized mess and then he's all panicky when he can't find them at the end of the month. ::sighs::

Heading out, or at least we're going to try to, around 9 tomorrow morning, so I get to sleep in at least a little. But, chances are I won't be home all day tomorrow. Which means that I'm gonna fall even further behind on my friends page. As of the moment, I'm still on Sunday or Monday I think. Heh. I will, however, more then likely be online tonight for as long as we're up cooking stuff, so if you don't mind me scampering off to go beat, grease, or mix something, invite me to chat! I misses my friendses and being able to get into the nightly "God, that is so WRONG!" AIM chats. ::snuggles you all::

That said I ... um... Well, I dunno what I'm gonna go do. But I assure you, it will be something! :)

cooking, thanksgiving, quiz spam, food

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