(no subject)

Nov 28, 2003 09:41


So. Got back home last night around 10:30. Food was nummy. Really really really nummy. YAY mashed potatoes and green bean casserole! And pie. Must love the pie.

After lunch, watched some of the football games going on with my uncles. Granted, I didn't really care who won, but there was nothing else to do. Then played a game of Sorry with my cousins, with a break to go pick up Isabella, another cousin's adorable 2 year old daughter, and play with their doggie Odie. Hee, gotta love that... Even if he looks nothing like the Odie in Garfield since he's a bull dog and I'm not sure what the Garfield Odie is.

A little after we finished our game of Sorry, however, came the serious talk about what to do about John (the creepy uncle) and his drunk/addict wife Tammy. Apparently things have gotten worse then they were before, and John's getting more violent. My aunt Kim put together a portfolio thingy explaining what was wrong and where he could get help, if he ever lets her anywhere near him again which really isn't likely. He's not listening to anyone anymore unless they tell him what he wants to hear, and not what he *needs* to here, which is his wife Tammy is a drunk and a drug addict, she's gonna keep running away and coming back when she get's hungry enough like a disobedient dog, and that his unwillingness to leave her and her unwillingness to let him go is affecting the entire family, not just the two of them. Ugh, emotions were high during those two hours, and I really really wished I had someone there to hug me instead of me doing the hugging, especially when I was close to crying a few times myself. It's stuff like that which makes me wonder if I really am an empath or something, cause oy... that was not fun. Sometimes it sucks being the strong one, especially when everyone else around you is crying, including some of the guys who never cry. I think dad and I were the only ones who had dry eyes in the entire house; even my grampa was crying a little, and my grampa *never* cries. Shows how serious this thing has gotten.

You know what I have discovered? Wishing on falling stars tends to work when you're wishing on someone elses' behalf. And right not, I really wish I had I falling star to pray on for this.

fuck, thanksgiving, food, family

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