(no subject)

Sep 12, 2003 13:00

This morning walking down the hall to my history class I heard one of the best sounds ever to hear after better then two months without rain. Yes, my dears, thunder once again was rumbling the concrete and brick walls of the University of Wisconsin Wood County. I was also pleased to see that it was pouring out there. Big Time. Students just getting to the school would walk in the big glass double doors on either wing on the school practically drenched from head to toe. One of the girls I sat next to in History was so wet that she left a butt imprint on the chair after class. All morning the halls were filled with the squeak squeak squeak or rubber-soled shoes rushing their way class.
If you haven't figured it out yet, after more then two months with barely even a drop, Wisconsin is winning back her title as one of the wettest states. We're supposed to get at least a half an inch, and some areas might even get a whole one or two inches of rain. Granted, it is far from enough to make up for two and a half months without rain, but it's a start. Thank fucking god for small favors.

However, on a darker note, I heard this morning about the deaths of two big names in the Entertainment industry. Rest in Peace, Johnny Cash and John Ritter. You will be missed.

Johnny Cash

John Ritter

raaaaaain, storm, rest in peace, yay

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