(no subject)

Jul 12, 2003 19:12

::sings:: Oh where oh where can my head phones be... oh where or where can they beeeee...

Ah-ha! found em. The little buggers had sneaked (not a word, I know, but I like it better then 'snuck', all right?) behind the computer, they did... they were trying to escape by squeezing under the door, they were...
::whispers:: It's a conspiracy, it is... the in adiment objects of the world are planning to turn against us... getting ideas from the computers, they are... ::nods nods:: ::tiptoes around the computer table and chair:: OH NO! THE REFRIDGERATOR IS RUNNING! IT'S MAKING A BREAK FOR IT!

::rereads what she just wrote:: Daaaaaamn... I think the strawberries I had on that shortcake a hour or two ago musta been fermenting or something.
Anyhoo, Maren needed the head phones because her creepy uncle is back and talking at the table with her parents. I wanted the head phone so I could put on my music and proceed to have an excuse for ignoring any questions he might toss my way. I wish he would just go 'way and never come back... ::shudders::
Also, speaking of music, Cristin? That song you sent me a few days ago, "The Spirit We" by Rachael Sage? Reeeeeally like it. Thankies mucho for sending it to me. "Legacy of Kings" is also pretty cool, so thankies to Drefie I believe, who send me that one.

And, another note... "The Powers that Be" (and *please*, someone suggest a different name for it?) has been sitting untouched at the end of chapter two for like two months now... I keep thinking that I need to write in it, but I just ain't got the inspiration... ::glares at muse:: it's annoying, ya know? You got pretty much the whole thing worked out in your head, almost down to the exact dialog, but getting it on paper is like the hardest thing in the world... especially the little parts in between the parts you already have worked out. Just... grr.
::throws pillow at Kitten, who squawks indignantly:: Do yer job, damn you!!!

powers that be, music, writing, crazy

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