(no subject)

Jul 12, 2003 21:24

Creepy uncle left. Now there's a cute guy in kitchen! With *really* strong aftershave... but, cute guy in kitchen!

Saul something or another... talking to my parents about rocks, cause I think he found an arrow head or something on his property and now is askin' all these questions about it and how it's made and all that, and whaddya know, my father is an expert on that type thing.
So, as they gossip about rocks I'm laying on the couch watching "The Second Arrival" on sci-fi. Interesting movie so far. Cute lead character and pretty glowy alien technology that sucks people and things up... Wohoo! I probably would understand it better if I had seen the first movie, or just plain "The Arrival." But, alas, I have not. So, I watch it for a formentioned drool-worthy lead character and glowy alien technology.

movies - made for tv/b-rated, sci fi, rocks

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