(no subject)

Apr 28, 2003 10:46

Wearing the jeans I spent so long sewing a patch on to Saturday. I think I did a purdy good job for not being much of the sewing type, and I only stabbed my finger to the point of bleeding once! Wohoo, go me!
It's a spiffy looking patch, sorta ti-dye looking. Cause, see, when I got the patches they were this ugly dark blue color, and about 10 times darker then the jeans I wanted to put them on. So, I got creative with bleach and a purple magic marker. Lost a little more blue then I wanted, but I made up for it with the purple. And though the color still doesn't match my jeans perfectly, it's a hell of a lot closer then it was. So, again with the Go me!

In other news, I have to sub for swim lessons tonight. 5 o'clock to 8. Fun fun fun. But, it's ok though cause I have my lifeguard recert on Thursday and I plan on heading into town every day this week to swim laps. Ooo, how exciting. There's also a few errands I wanna run, head to the bank and cash my who $11 dollar state income tax refund! I also have a $60 dollar check from lifeguarding two weeks ago. Money is good. I'll prolly put $50 of the $60 dollar one in my checking account, and then keep the extra 21 for spending money. And also, this might sound really weird, but I need a new comb for up stairs in my room. The one I had up there I also use for when I go away for a weekend or whatever, and when I slept over at Dana's new apartment a month or two ago, it disappeared. So, I've been using one of those cheep little black ones that you get to use before taking school pictures to pull it back every night. It works, but it's so small it's harder for me to get all my hair back using it. So, Maren needs a new bigger comb.

Nine was barking all night last night, and was still barking this morning when I got up about quarter to 9. She is now passed out on the kitchen floor. I don't think she's feeling too good, and she was barking to be let in last night instead of just at the doggie-gossip chain we have around here, cause her nose is all warm when it's supposed to be cold and wet. Poor doggie, though I'm sure she'll bark plenty tonight too.

And that's about it. Gonna go get chocolate now.

swim lessons, money, dogs

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