Meme snarched from
ofluvandblood Twenty Years Ago: My parents might have been trying to have another baby... me! However, I wasn't conceived yet. Still got another two or three weeks until that happens, cause my b-day is on Feb. 1st, and I was born (and I typed that as porn first... go figure) two weeks earily.
Fifteen Years Ago: I was four and spending my weekdays down at Gramma and Grampa's while my brothers went to school and my parents worked. Every morning, I would sit on my grampa's lap and we would watch the Price is Right together while Gramma started to teach me basic counting and letters.
Ten Years Ago: I was 9. I think I was in 3rd grade and we had just gotten home from a two and a half week vacation down in Texas, or we were planning on leaving soon. I can't honestly remember the exact date without getting out the home videos. Anyway, we had visited a really close family friend, Theresa, who had lived in Marshfield and was us kids doctor until she had moved first to Michigan and then down to Texas. I remember the Houston Zoo and trying to use one of those water proof disposable cameras which back then were covered in a good millimeter or two if plastic which made trying to push the button something of a challenge. I also remember Sea World down in San Antonio, and my dad accidentally driving the big green rental van we had gotten for the trip on the wrong out ramp off the freeway while we were trying to *get* to Sea World. And playing with a Blue Flag Jelly fish (aka, poking at it with a stick... even at 9, I wasn't stupid enough to even think about touching it with my hands) down at Galveston Bay. It was the first time I had ever seen the ocean (or Gulf of Mexico in this case). The whole vacation was a blast, and now I wanna go back there some day so I might maybe remember it a little better.
Five Years Ago: I was 14 and almost done with Jr. High. I remember sitting at the lunch table with the few friends I had and talking about lots of random things, most of which were probably immature and sick (aka, porney stuff... not a whole lot has changed, huh? :D ) I also remember Mr. Halle's English class, his gum tree and him reading notes he snatched while they were trying to be passed around by other kids out loud to all of his classes. I think we were studying Mythology around that time, and I was happy cause his class was kick-ass. Only teacher I really remember all that well from Jr. High, honestly. Also, I was looking forward to high school and finely being able to hang with all my friends again that were a year a head of me in classes.
One Year Ago: I was getting excited about high school almost being over for me, and more then likely stressing over final projects and grades since senioritise had kicked in some time around January and I had been procrastinating. Kira (Miss Thompson), one of the chicks I worked with at the YMCA, was the Assistant Teacher for my English Class and she had asked if she could use one of my papers as an example for some sort of teacher meeting thing because she thought I was very good and well written, and that made me happy. :) (the assignment was a "First" paper, like about your first car or your first vacation or first something. I wrote about my first doggie, Lady, and how she had just died and I made Kira cry... Heh, I was proud of myself. :D )
Yesterday: I watched television and did house work all day while waiting for my parents to come home from the Rock and Gem show over in Eau Claire, and skipped church entirely. Bad Maren
Today: I watched the last hour of the Today Show while doing internet and computer stuff. I also just went outside and got the mail and noticed how long my hair had gotten as I saw it blowing in the wind in my shadow on the ground. Yes, I am strange like that. I also have to work tonight at a sub for swim lessons, 5 to 8.
Tomorrow: I'm gonna head into town with my mom and swim laps at the YMCA. I also need to go to the bank and get some checks cashed.