(no subject)

Jun 08, 2014 21:16

Laundry - washed AND folded AND even put away.

Floor - vacuumed!

Groceries - Kinda bought. I have spent entirely too much money this week (three months rent in advance lest I become unemployed again in a few weeks - temp job is up on July 3; $360 for my car which was being extremely insistent that I service the engine soon, so I took it in for a tune up and ended up needing a new distributer cap, wires, and spark plugs; and then there was just normal monthly bills that I aways try and pay by the third of the month), so I kept it to the bare basics: Milk, bread, and allergy meds.

In other news, after realizing that I won't be around at all next weekend (IRISH FEST, BABY!), that I will be on Gramma Watch the weekend after that (Parents will be displaying and doing a few lectures at the MREA Energy Fair, which I also hope to get to briefly), and noting that the last time we managed to get together was Memorial Day weekend, I realized that it may be a good idea to text the sig and see if he wanted to try and do something this weekend. After some stuff came up and our Doctor Who marathon was postponed, he invited me to his mom's for a cookout this afternoon. Tasty food, hyper 4 year old nephew, and a viewing of Stand By Me makes for an entertaining way to pass a sunshiny Sunday afternoon, if I do say so myself. Definitely kept me on my toes, that's for sure.

friends, laundry, food, cleaning

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