May book list

Jun 01, 2014 22:59

Book lists:

Bold indicates audio books

1. Dragonflight - Anne McCaffrey - 5*

2. Crocodile on the Sandbank - Elizabeth Peters - 4.5
3. Dragonquest - Anne McCaffery - 4*

4. White Dragon - Anne McCaffery - 4.5*

5. Freedom's Landing - Anne McCaffery - 3.8*

6. Freedom's Choice - Anne McCaffery - 4.25*

7. 3 in 1 - Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy; Restaurant at the End of the Universe; Life, the Universe and Everything - Douglas Adams - 3.5*

8. The Grand Tour (or the Purloined Coronation Regalia) by Patricia C. Wrede and Caroline Stevermer - 3.75*

9. Edgewood by Karen McQuestion - 2* (link to my review on Goodreads, for I am lazy)

10. Discount Armageddon (InCryptid, #1) by Seanan McGuire - 5*

11. Midnight Blue-Light Special (InCryptid #2) by Seanan McGuire - 4.75*

12. Magic Lost, Trouble Found (book one of the Raine Banares novels) by Lisa Shearin - 4.25 *

13. Armed and Magical (book two of the Raine Banares novels) by Lisa Shearin - 4.25*

Hmm.... I'm not doing so great on the reading this year, it would seem. 13 books in 5 months is rather pitiful compared to how I would easily zip through that many over the course of a few weeks during my high school and college years. Apparently one of the HUGE motivating factors of reading that many books in that short of a time was when I was procrastinating on all the homework I should've been doing instead... ;)


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