Irish Fest Weekend

Jun 03, 2012 18:56

My weekend in * points

* Got to spend THREE WHOLE DAYS (well, two and a half I suppose) with Beth!
* Lived on Toppers pretty much the whole weekend. Mmm, cheesy bread.
* Attended Irish Fest, where Green Tea was okay, The Rovers were pretty great, and Gaelic Storm was A-FREAKING-MAZING!!! They gave us like three Encores, AND for the last ten minutes they were playing, we had fireworks going off. FIRE WORKS AND GAELIC STORM = MADE OF WIN TIMES A MILLION. So, um, yeah, that was awesome.
* Went to see Dark Shadows at the theater. It was quite good.
* Got Beth hooked on White Collar. Watched the first episode last night, and then we marathoned like six more this morning.
* And by the way, did I mention that I got to send the WHOLE WEEKEND with Beth!!! Totally the best part.

friends, music, white collar, concert, awesomeness, movies

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