(no subject)

Jun 04, 2012 12:49

Gramma had another fall. It has absolutely nothing to do with her health or medications and everything to do with our family's long history of klutziness. We were going for a walk in the park and weren't paying attention to our feet and ended up tripping off a curb. Her knee scraped and she has a bit of road rash on her cheek and nose, and her wrist might be sprained, but so far she doesn't seem much worse for the wear.

The hard part, though, is that Social Services has already been on our case about her hospital visit a few weeks back. The lot of them - at least the one's that have talked to Dad and my Aunt Sue - are convinced she is "unable to take care of herself and should be moved to a nursing home". This is bullshit as Gramma is quite able, even with her bumps and bruises, but the latest example of our awesome grace and poise is not going to work in our favor on the matter.

So... yeah. Next few days/weeks might be a bit of a mess. If you all have some good things to share, I could use a pick me up.


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