two; video; backdated to yesterday because we are slow

Oct 17, 2010 16:53

[ The device clicks on as it, and a few other things, bounce off a few Shadows. Somewhere nearby, Kanji hoots in celebration as one of the unbalanced Shadows topples to the ground. Two more to go. ]

Suck it! Hahaha!

[ At this angle (from somewhere around the Shadows), you can probably make out the figures of
Kanji Tatsumi and
Emi Wakahisa. ]

Good one, Tatsumi-san! Now it's my turn!

[ It’s obvious the sword isn’t her type of weapon, so she grips her necktie for reassurance and lifts her Evoker to her head. ]

H-He-HEY! What the hell’re you doin’?! [ No, he has no idea what’s going on. ]

I summon you!

[ Bright blue light seemingly rises from the ground immediately surrounding Emi as the barrel of the Evoker comes to rest against her head. Her grip on her necktie tightens as she pulls the trigger. The gun-shaped object makes a noticeable clicking sound. The glow of the still-present light intensifies and rises, swirling up around the girl and expanding rapidly. From it, seemingly from within her comes a silver figure clad in gold with glowing red eyes and long brown hair. Its hand glides across the heart-shaped harp it holds in hand and the Shadow nearest them is met by flame-the standard Agi spell. It fades as the Shadow assaulted melts into a puddle of inky darkness, its weakness assailed.

One to go. You might hear the sounds of Kanji freaking out as the post cuts.]
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