three; video -> audio

Oct 27, 2010 23:41

[ It takes Kanji awhile to adjust the camera to the perfect angle- an action that might surprise someone with how seriously he seems to take it. Unfortunately for him, he didn’t realize that the communicator caught all that adjusting. Since it's on VIDEO. Instead, he sits in front of the device, reciting something under his breath. Every once in awhile, he stops, looks flustered, takes a few deep breaths, mutters a “You can do it, man. It ain’t that tough,” and continues on.

Finally, after about five minutes of this, he abruptly stands, shouting a self-encouraging: ]


[ He reaches for the communicator and turns off the video. Oops. However, AUDIO is still working. ]

Alright, you guys listenin’? I’m only offerin’ this shit once, so you’d better pay attention!

You all heard that voice in our heads, yeah? Talkin’ about costumes an’ whatever? Well, I was figurin’ that a lot of you guys can’t make costumes an’ sew to save your lives. So, ‘cause of that, I-I’m offerin’-

[ DEEP BREATH. Let’s do this, Kanji. ]

I’LL MAKE COSTUMES FOR YOU GUYS WHO CAN’T. S-So, jus’ tell me whatcha want an’ your sizes, and I’ll do it!

[ He sighs in relief. It wasn’t that hard, right?

There’s a brief moment of shuffling. If the video were on, you could see him holding up a very frilly, pink dress that would fit Nanako perfectly. But it’s not, so you can’t. ]

H-Here’s, uh, an example of my work. Yeah. It ain’t too bad- best thing I coulda done with the supplies an’ stuff. So... Yeah.

[ awkward pause. ]

Um... Jus’ tell me whatcha want, an’ I’ll have it ready quick... [ That’s where his nerve fails him. There’s a bit more shuffling. He’s about to turn the device off before he adds a last minute: ]

Kanji, out.

[ The post cuts. ]
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