Draconta - Hatchling Tales (Drabble 1)

Nov 22, 2011 20:49

Title: Draconta - Hatchling Tales (Drabble 1)
World: It can't get anymore AU than this XD 
Character(s) / Pairing(s): JazzXProwl, Red Alert, Bluestreak, Twins 
Rating: K 
Words: 1476
Warning: FLUFF! 
Disclaimer: Do not own... *bursts into tears*

Author's Notes:
- Draconta is greek for dragon meaning 'to watch' as they were often portrayed as guarding things.


These are some of the terms I’m using for this fic. Many are used for reptiles like the bearded dragon. 
  • Gravid: Carrying young or eggs
  • Gravid Coloration: Birth markings found in gravid reptiles (some species develop bright red or orange pigmentation on the sides of their heads) 
  • Clutch: The amount of eggs laid at one time
  • Crest: formation on top of a reptiles head.
  • Vent: also known as cloaca is a slit on the underside of a reptile at the base of it’s tail which contains genitals, urinary and intestines. 
  • Crepuscular: active during the evening and early morning hours. 
  • Diurnal: Active during the day. 
  • Nocturnal: Active at night.
  • Dorsal: Referring to the features on the back or along the spine of the animal.

Magic Terms (so far):
  • Illuminating Flame: A floating flame, which does not burn nor does it produce heat, merely provides light and the brightness can be controlled to which ever setting wished. 
  • Summoning: It’s like a subspace; a dimensional pouch all dragons have where they can carry provisions and other materials. 


Title: Waking Up
Ratings: K
Warnings: Fluff.. lots of it.

The illuminating flame flickered into life inside the dark cavern, a pre cast spell making sure it would burn as the sun rose, effectively rousing the two dragons inside.

Jazz clenched his eyes as the light hit him, groaning at being pulled from his sleep and curling tighter around his mate's form, unconsciously shifting his wing to protect Prowl from the evil light, even when the red horned dragon was already yawning, eyes blinking in an attempt to adapt to the shift in light.

He did his usual quick sweep of the cavern in search for any danger. Rodents and large insects sometimes wandered into his home, attracted by the warmth and water. While it rarely bothered him and was fairly easy to get rid of them, the hatchlings were incredibly small and easy prey for the nasty beings, their claws full of diseases and pincers dripping with venom; it was a threat he was not going to expose his newly hatched fledglings to.

He turned his head to look at Jazz and smiled, his mate hiding his head under his forepaw. Under the wing that managed to hide him, Prowl could feel Jazz's tail wrapping around his own, as well as the reassuring weight of the hatchlings laying on his stomach. He gave Jazz a soft nudge, prompting him to remove his wing over his own.

The blue eyed dragon did so with a groan, folding his wing and turing away from the source of light. Pleased with being 'freed', Prowl carefully lifted his own wing a bit to see his hatchlings, melting at the sight.

Curled into his stomach, near his elbow was Red Alert, the small fur ball was lightly suckling at the tip of his own tail. He was the only hatchling to inherit his fur, though he had much more visible scales than he did, and was incredibly small compared to his brothers.

Bluestreak, the grey hatchling, had his head resting on Red Alert's back, ears twitching. It was comical seeing how he had fallen asleep, the position seeming uncomfortable, what with his neck stretched and legs hidden under his body. But he seemed to be sleeping peacefully, so Prowl didn't worry.

The twins were another sight that had him chuckling quietly. Sideswipe was half laying on Bluestreak, but his little paws were up in the air, his mouth open and a small string of drool escaping down the side, right onto Bluestreak's shoulder. Sunstreaker was pressed up with his back against them, winglets wrapped around himself, and curled similar to Red Alert, but he was hugging Prowl's tail and sucking on his fur. No wonder it tickled.

It was too adorable and he was loath to wake them up. Seeing their eyes squint in their sleep at the change in light, he slowly lowered his wing, incasing them in darkness once more before wrapping his head around it sighing contently. They could sleep in late, he was sure Jazz would appreciate it, his mate not being a crepuscular dragon like him. Smiling he extinguished the illuminating flame and fell back into a peaceful sleep.


Title: Playing
Rating: K
Warnings: THE FLUFFZ!!

Small mewls and shrieks filled the cavern. Prowl was still in his nest, his wings folded on his back and tail pressed against the rock barrier he had made, watching as the hatchlings crawled around in curiosity.

Jazz had left as soon as he had woken up, cooing at the hatchlings and giving him a kiss before leaving to hunt and to visit Ratchet; that was a conversation Prowl had wanted to be present at. According to Jazz, the healer was going to be pissed that they had let almost a week pass before bringing him to check up on the hatchlings, but Prowl didn't understand why; his own carrier had never even bothered presenting them to a healer, and he never heard of any other carrier doing it. Jazz had just shaken his head, mumbling something about ‘mountain dragons’ before leaving.

Either way, Prowl was content to stay and watch the hatchlings all day. They were amazing, and his love for them grew with each second.

Red Alert had yet to leave his side, and even crawled over his legs to curl into his chest and stare out at his brothers. Bluestreak was rolling around in place, chewing at his paws and tail, making small mewls and flapping his winglets on the ground.

Sideswipe was trying to climb the rocks that surrounded the nest, but with his weakened legs all he managed to do was slip every time and get frustrated. Sunstreaker was growling at his twin, even pulling at his tail, but the red twin would not give up.

Prowl was greatly amused by the display, sending soft trills at his hatchlings in encouragement and love.

Red Alert cried out to him, nuzzling his chest, ears lowered on his head.

"Hmm? What's wrong little one?" Prowl asked, ducking his head to lick at his son's head earning a purr.

The small cry had caught Sunstreaker's attention, and he abandoned his twin to crawl toward his brother between his carrier’s forepaws, joining Prowl in his licks.

Once again Prowl felt that sadness and envy at the display, he wished his brothers would have treated him like that.

Sideswipe huffed as he fell down once again, and glared at the rocks, even going so far as to try and bite them, only to decide it was a very bad idea. His small and dull teeth protesting the action.

Crawling back to his carrier dejectedly, his laid his forepaws and head on one of Prowl's forepaws looking up at him with teary eyes.

"Aww don't worry Sideswipe, you'll be able to leave the nest in a week or so." He crooned softly, nuzzling his head.

Making sure Bluestreak was alright (yup, he was still rolling around and biting his tail and paws), he rejoined Sunstreaker in licking Red Alert, the small hatchling loving the attention.

The red twin looked at them for a few moments, before growing bored and absently nibbled on his carrier's forepaw. Feeling the light bites, Prowl looked up in amusement.

"Are we feeling bored?" He asked teasingly. The pout that he assumed was supposed to be a glare was too cute for words.

Chuckling, he quickly nudged the hatchling backwards, Sideswipe falling on his back on the soft leaves with a surprised squeak. Prowl rubbed his belly with his snout, making the red twin squirm, little legs coming up to push at the snout.

Smiling, Prowl blew on Sideswipe's belly.

Sunstreaker and Red Alert jumped as shrieks of laughter filled the cavern, eyes searching for the source.

The red twin's winglets flapped and twitched on the ground, tail swinging in delight as Prowl blew again on his belly, another round of shrieks and giggles leaving the red twin.

"Oh, you like that don't you?" The red horned dragon teased.

Sideswipe let out a small mewl which he supposed was a 'no', shaking his head but Prowl just laughed and blew on the black belly again, chuckling at the squirming hatchling.

Bluestreak watched with curiosity, ears perked, and crawled toward them, body tilting sideways as he still had his tail in his mouth.

He sniffed at Sideswipe's upside down face, letting go of his tail to lick at the red twin's nose, making him sneeze.

"How about you Blue? Do you want a raspberry?" The grey hatchling looked at him with adorable blinking blue eyes, crooning at him in confusion.

"Alright then, " Prowl said, nudging at the grey sparkling to give Sideswipe some time to breath. The grey hatchling grabbed onto his snout with his four paws, and Prowl slowly lifted him up, eyes locked on the bewildered look on Bluestreak's face, the hatchling looking down and tightening his grip with a small squeak.

From the ground, Sunstreaker growled, biting at Prowl's chest in a clear warning 'don't scare him'; prompting the very much amused carrier to put his hatchling down.

Once his little feet and tail touched the leaves, Bluestreak let go and rolled onto his back with a delighted squeal, and Prowl quickly nosed his belly, blowing a raspberry and earning happy shrieks from the hatchling.

Sideswipe, ears flat on his head, scratched with his small and dull claws at Prowl's snout, not happy at being ignored again.

"Oh? Jealous?" Prowl asked, licking Sideswipe's face.

He straightened and looked down at the other two hatchlings. "How about you two? Do you want a raspberry?"

Both hatchlings seemed very much uninterested and adverted their eyes burying their heads into his chest, hiding.

Snickering, Prowl kept playing with the two very attention seeking hatchlings until Jazz returned; he couldn't wait to tell his mate about his day.


Like? ^.^

Next up, bath time! XD

I have fallen madly in love with hatchling Red Alert *hugs hatchling* XD


'series: draconta, 2011

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