Draconta - Hatchling Tales (Drabble 2)

Dec 09, 2011 01:28

Title: Draconta - Hatchling Tales (Drabble 2)
World: It can't get anymore AU than this XD 
Character(s) / Pairing(s): JazzXProwl, Red Alert, Bluestreak, Twins 
Rating: K
Words: 1779
Warning: FLUFF! 
Disclaimer: Do not own... *bursts into tears*

Author's Notes:
- Draconta is greek for dragon meaning 'to watch' as they were often portrayed as guarding things.


These are some of the terms I’m using for this verse. Many are used for reptiles like the bearded dragon. (May add more in teh future)
  • Gravid: Carrying young or eggs
  • Gravid Coloration: Birth markings found in gravid reptiles (some species develop bright red or orange pigmentation on the sides of their heads) 
  • Clutch: The amount of eggs laid at one time
  • Crest: formation on top of a reptiles head.
  • Vent: also known as cloaca is a slit on the underside of a reptile at the base of it’s tail which contains genitals, urinary and intestines.
  • Crepuscular: active during the evening and early morning hours. 
  • Diurnal: Active during the day. 
  • Nocturnal: Active at night.
  • Dorsal: Referring to the features on the back or along the spine of the animal.

Magic Terms (so far):
  • Illuminating Flame: A floating flame, which does not burn nor does it produce heat, merely provides light and the brightness can be controlled to which ever setting wished. 
  • Summoning: It’s like a subspace; a dimensional pouch all dragons have where they can carry provisions and other materials. 



Title: Bath
Rating: K
Warnings: FLUFF! 
A few weeks had passed since their fledglings had joined them in their lives, and the hatchlings seemed to be growing too fast for Prowl. They were still small of course, and had barely grown. But like every carrier, just one more day made it seem like soon they wouldn't need him. An exaggerated thought he knew, but he didn't care, and used it to fuel his determination to be in every aspect of his fledglings' lives.

When he had shared his fears with his mate, Jazz had chuckled, nuzzling his neck fondly and telling him to stop worrying, that just because they grew up didn't mean they wouldn't need them, and of course they could always try for another clutch, or even wait for their fledglings to have clutches of their own. That had earned a growl form the protective carrier. He didn't want to worry for years about his little hatchlings mating!

The small dragons had yet to learn any words, merely cooing, mewling, growling, purring, and rumbling, their little legs were still too weak to support them and their winglets wouldn't open for another month, and even then they would still be useless to fly for a couple more.

A splash of water tore him from his thoughts, and he glanced down at Bluestreak, the hatchling energetically splashing in the shallow water. Prowl was cleaning the hatchlings at the small pool on one side of the cave. It wasn't large, certainly not large enough for him or Jazz to even sit in; but the hatchlings were so small they managed to fit and have a bit of space left to play.

Not that they were enjoying their bath. The water was cold, and Prowl kept them from going too near the cavern wall where the water disappeared into. Some of water that fell from glacier at the very top of the mountains ran through the inside of the mountains, and little pools like his sometimes occurred when the strong currents from a water vein would push at weakened cracks and leak into caverns. The small crevice where water came in through was big enough for one of the hatchlings to fit through; Prowl didn't even want to think about what would happen if one of the hatchling got sucked in by the current. Blue seemed to be the only one happy in the water, shrieking in delight, using his winglets to splash water all around him and onto his not amused brothers.

Prowl laid the length of the pool's edge, his long tail floating in the water where Red Alert was hanging on to like a life line, the small fledgling whining in distress whenever Prowl would look away from him. Sunstreaker and Sideswipe had the most adorable of pouts on their faces, sitting with their winglets floating on the water, shoulders slumped and glaring at their carrier, low growls escaping them as Prowl finished pouring some water over them.

A chuckle had him looking up over his shoulder, smiling at seeing his mate standing by the cavern's entrance, blue eyes shinning with amusement.

"Ah see Ah'm a bit late fer bath time ain't Ah?" He chuckled again as the twins seem to sense an opportunity for escape and nodded frantically.

Prowl trilled disapprovingly at them, immediately turning his attention back to the red and white hatchling as he let out a loud cry, bringing his tail closer to the edge and helping Red out. The small hatchling curled in his chest, purring at the warmth and eyeing the water suspiciously.

"Not a big fan o' water is he?" Jazz asked laying down next to his mate facing him, giving the twins a quick lick in greeting.

Prowl sighed. "No he is not, and you're not that late. Red was the first one to finish but I wanted him to soak in the water a bit, fur can be a pain to wash completely, even if his scales are easy to clean." He said, licking at Red Alert's small body to get rid quicker of the water hanging onto his white fur. "How was your morning flight?" He asked after a bit.

Grimacing, Jazz took a moment to stretch his neck and grab Blue by his tail, bringing him closer to them and away from the water tunnel, before responding.

"Ran into Ratch', he sends his love by the way." Jazz said sarcastically, wings flapping as he bent down a bit to show his mate a new bump, courtesy of a rock.

"What did you do now?"

"Oh nothing, just teased 'im 'bout his reaction when he came ta see the hatchlings."

Prowl gave him a blank look. "You've known him far longer than I have and even I know that was something to never mention. Ever."

Jazz chuckled, this time leaning in to grab the turtle shell Prowl had been using to pour water on the hatchlings and poured some over a happy shrieking Bluestreak, who shrieked even louder. He laughed louder at the outraged looks Blue was receiving from the twins; they even edged a bit away from him.

"Yeah well, ya know meh, can't let something like that go easily."

Prowl rolled his eyes, turning to look back at the fledglings.

There was a moment of silence before both parents lifted their now clean hatchlings out of the pool and proceeded to dry them up, licking off the excess water.

"He's coming in the afternoon." Jazz added, grabbing Bluestreak between his paws to keep him still, the small hatchling shrieking and wiggling in his grasp.

Prowl turned to look at his mate, patiently ignoring the angry bites and indignant yowls the twins were dealing him, still upset about the cold water. "Really? But he already checked them over a few weeks back." His confused expression turned into one of worry, wings flaring slightly in alarm. "Did he find something during that last checkup he thought merited another so soon?"

Jazz quickly nuzzled his neck, sending a calming trill. "Nothing like that babe, he would have told ya had there been anything. He just likes ta check on hatchlings every now and then ta make sure they haven't caught anything or ta check their growth. Ah also think he wants ta check your wing again, even though it's healed he'll be checking it regularly until he's convinced not even a second, larger boulder can break the new membrane." Prowl shivered at the reminder of what his wing had gone through, the scarred appendage twitching with phantom pains. There was a large brighter part on his wing right where the new membrane had been weaved, covering almost half of it.

Shaking himself from those thoughts, he sighed in relief at Jazz's words, leaning into him. "Are you sure?"

"Yup. Plus, he needs an excuse ta see them right?" He grinned teasingly.

"I swear he's like a different dragon when he's with the hatchlings." He responded huffing, leaning down to keep on drying the twins, the hatchlings letting out annoyed trills and trying to evade him, even as Prowl caught them with his own paws and growled a warning for them to behave.

"Ah know right! Woops!" Jazz quickly grabbed at Bluestreak by the back of his neck as the grey hatchling tried to crawl back into the pool, and firmly placed him between the small circle he made with his legs.

The twins, angry at being ignored managed to escape from their carrier's claws and head butted Prowl's chest, earning a small growl from Red Alert who had been in the process of falling asleep. Jazz chuckled at the sight, gently nudging at the grey hatchling to keep still earning such teary eyes he almost took the fledging and left him in the pool.

Prowl sighed again, standing up and immediately grabbing Red Alert by his scruff before he could cry out and walking over to the nest, Jazz following with Bluestreak and quickly returning for the other two hatchlings, managing to carry them both and gently leaving them in the center of the nest, the four brothers curling together.

"If he loves hatchlings so much, why doesn't he get some of his own? I know he's a carrier."  The red horned dragon asked, walking back toward the pool for a small drink.

Sitting outside the nest, watching over the hatchlings Jazz turned to look at his mate with a semi scandalized look. "Well first, he's gotta find a mate, and if he hasn't found one yet…" He trailed off. "Besides... the Hatchet? Gravid?" He shuddered. "We get enough of his mood swings with him as he is!"

Prowl glared back at his mate for that comment, knowing that he was talking through 'experience' but staying silent. Walking back, they both sat in silence, watching the hatchlings play.

Bluestreak was trying to get Red Alert to play with him, pulling at his tail and wings, but the red and white would snap at him. When Sideswipe joined in with his youngest brother, the small dragon whined and cried out in distress for his carrier.

"Shh wait, look." Jazz stopped his mate from interfering pointing at Sunstreaker.

The yellow hatchling had been pointedly ignoring the world, but at Red Alert's cry he had crawled with an adorable angry face toward them, tail swishing over the leaves, and was biting at his twin and growling at Bluestreak. The grey hatchling stopped pulling on his brother's tail and wings with a pout leaving the crying hatchling and joining Sideswipe as he was pushed away from the red and white by his twin.

Sunstreaker then curled around his brother protectively, glaring at the 'outside world'. Red Alert's cries diminished looking surprised at how easy his older brother had gotten rid of the troublemakers before curling in to his side, purring his thanks.

Both red and grey hatchlings were playing together now, playfully bitting at each other, small mewls and trills leaving them.

"Daaaaw aren't they adorable?" Jazz cooed, swinging his tail around in delight.

Smiling, Prowl nodded and turned to his mate. "I wonder how long before I can take them up to the clearing. I'm sure they'll love the clear air."

Jazz 'hmmm'ed softly. "Will have ta ask Ratchet 'bout that, though Ah think it'll be in a few months, or at least until they can walk properly. Wouldn't want one of them ta fall over the edge." Both parents shuddered at the thought.

"You're right, lets wait for a few more months." Prowl said, trying to get that awful image from his mind.

In the nest, the hatchlings kept on playing, mewls and shrikes filling the cavern.


Cutting it short here. Took my medicine early and the effects are hitting now, already tilting to the side somewhat XD If the last paragraphs have too many mistakes in them, you know why XD


'series: draconta, 2011

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