[FIC] Draconta (Part Three) FINAL!!

Nov 17, 2011 00:38

Title: Draconta (10962 words) by ren
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Transformers - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Author Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Jazz/Prowl
Characters: Jazz, Prowl, Ratchet, Optimus - Character, Ironhide, Bluestreak, Sunstreaker, Sideswipe, Red Alert
Additional Tags: AU, Everyone is a Dragon, Fluff, Trigger Warning: Death of Young Life
Series: Part 1 of Draconta
AU World were everyone is a dragon. Jazz and Prowl meet under terrible circumstances, but which start a series of events that will lead them to fall in love. More inside.

Author's Notes:
- Draconta is greek for ‘dragon’ meaning 'to watch' as they were often portrayed as guarding things.
- Okay, this is a very long fic of short drabbles. Each drabble has its title and rating, which is why Rating: varies. ...


These are some of the terms I’m using for this fic. Many are used for reptiles like the bearded dragon.
  • Gravid: Carrying young or eggs
  • Gravid Coloration: Birth markings found in gravid reptiles (some species develop bright red or orange pigmentation on the sides of their heads)
  • Clutch: The amount of eggs laid at one time
  • Crest: formation on top of a reptiles head.
  • Vent: also known as cloaca is a slit on the underside of a reptile at the base of it’s tail which contains genitals, urinary and intestines.
  • Crepuscular: active during the evening and early morning hours.
  • Diurnal: Active during the day.
  • Nocturnal: Active at night.
  • Dorsal: Referring to the features on the back or along the spine of the animal.

NOTE!: I am using the words carrier for the gravid dragon, mixing some TF terms with this XD

Other dragon types:
  • Heraldic: Two pairs of legs and wings, the typical dragon.
  • Wyverns: Winged, serpent-like creatures. They have two legs, a barbed tail, and cannot breath fire and are smaller than other dragons.
  • Guivre: No legs or wings, like a serpent with a dragon head.
  • Lindworm: Small dragons with one pair of legs and no wings.
  • Amphiptere: Basically a serpent with wings, which flings itself at its prey.

The magic is all me XD
  • Prowl's form is based on the Fyulong dragon from the manga 07 ghost (though there's isn't a full body pic T.T) and thisshadow walker dragon.
  • Jazz much like Prowl but instead of fur, scales.
  • Optimus on this red dragon but with his coloring.
  • Found a new dragon pic for Ratchet! Here. But much smaller and with Ratchet's colors.
  • Ironhide like this but without the fairy lady XD

  • Oh and here is a picture of a dragon's wing components, just to have a better idea. I know in part one it is mentioned that Prowl's 'wrist' broke. Well, here you have what that part was ^.^


Title: Abandoned?
Rating: K+

Prowl looked mournfully at the sky. He was lounging outside his cavern, the weather rather nice, and one of those times where the mist around his home dispersed enough for him to see the sky.

Jazz had lied. Or at least, it seemed like he had lied. The forest dragon had promised he would not leave him, not when he had confessed his love. Not when they had mated. And specially when he learned Prowl was gravid. But as soon as he had heard the word gravid, Jazz had disappeared, leaving him all alone.

Once again.

It had never bothered him before, mostly because the dragons he had mated with had been a one time thing, something demanded of his heat cycle. But Jazz was supposed to be different, the forest dragon had been so caring and loving during their mating, called him his mate, and yet…. Jazz had abandoned him.

Too depressed for the nice weather, Prowl slumped back into his cavern, curling in his nest and falling asleep with his wing covering him completely, effectively managing to hide his tears as he drifted into an uneasy sleep.


Title: Gift
Rating: K+

Prowl woke to the sound of shuffling at the entrance of his cavern. His head popped out of his wing, blinking in the darkness. Summoning an illuminating flame, he was torn between anger and surprise at the sight of Jazz mid step, eyes comically wide and looking very much like a hatchling caught misbehaving.

Prowl straightened, eyes boring into his and gave a hard thump with his tail on the ground. He was not a happy dragon.

"Jazz." He greeted dryly.

"Hi Prowler." The black horned dragon responded, ears twitching and betraying his nervousness.

Prowl's own were flat against his head. They stared at each other for along moment, before Prowl gave a tired sigh.

"If you just wanted to mate, you should have said so and not let me believe otherwise."

Jazz stared. "Wh- what? Why would ya think that?" He asked, shaking himself out of his stupor and walking up to his mate. He reached out but Prowl seem unwilling and so he lowered his head, looking as non-threatening as possible.

Prowl averted his eyes. "You left." He simply said, hurt coloring his voice.

"Oh, oh no Prowl! Yes I did leave, but I was coming back!" He started, wings flapping widely in annoyance for not finding the right words.

"Ah, Ah left ta find ya a present!"

The red horned dragon looked up, confusion written on his features.

"A present."

"Yes!" He groaned at the blank look he received, and summoned the items he had obtained, laying them in front of his mate as an offering.

Prowl stared, before him were beautiful gems and jewelry, high class metals and even gold coins.

"Wha- why?" He asked, gazing into his mate's eyes. A beautiful gift indeed, but useless to him, to them!

"Ah know ya mountain dragons are all loners and all, but down at the forest, we help each other with the young, and ya learn a few tricks." Jazz started, laying down. "Gravid dragons are gifted with these ta eat, it makes the egg shells all that much stronger and healthy." He added.

Dragon didn't usually eat gems or stones and metals, but while being gravid, their body would indeed turn the strong materials ingested into extra protection for the life they were carrying.

Prowl hadn't thought about that at all, and a sudden wave a guilt assaulted him. He hadn't done this with his earlier egg either, could he have prevented its death had he consumed strong stones and gems?

Jazz seemed to read his mind, and nuzzled his neck, giving small licks.

"Don't do that Prowler, ya know ya couldn't have done anything being pinned down by that boulder. Even with the strongest materials, the egg would have died."

Prowl let out a shaky sigh, unwilling to undo all the progress he had done with accepting his child's death, and nodded in acceptance at Jazz's words.

"I know, I just wish it were different."

The black horned dragon smiled, and brought the gems, coins and metals forward with his tail, presenting them to Prowl.

"It will be different, ya got me first of all, and Ah'll never leave ya. Ah'm sorry Ah took so long ta get back, Ah got really excited looking for the gems, even begged Ratchet ta give me some of the metals he keeps fer these occasions."

Prowl laughed licking at the now visible bump on his mate's head where he was sure the healer had thrown at rock at.

"My hero." He teased, laughing again at his mate's teary eyes and pout.

"Forgive me?"

"Of course." The white and black dragon said kissing Jazz softly. “I’m sorry I thought the worst of you.”

Jazz shrugged, purring into his mate’s fluffy fur.

"So." Jazz grinned parting, "enjoy the meal?"

Prowl laughed heartily at that.


Title: Birth
Rating: T

Jazz watched, anxious as hell, as his mate tossed and turned in his nest, groaning in discomfort, his belly swollen and feeling like he was going to burst any second. There was definitely more than one egg, he hadn't felt so stuffed during his last gravid.

Nuzzling his mate's head. Jazz sent a soft trill of comfort.

"Breath love, it will be over soon."

Prowl huffed, rolling in a seemingly awkward position, heavy belly resting on the nest, his legs bent and wings flared behind him, almost smacking Jazz.

"So hot!" He whined.

Smiling softly, Jazz flared his own wings, flapping them softly to produce a nice breeze for his mate. The red horned dragon sighed in delight, before swinging his tail as another contraction hit him.

"I think- I think it might be time." He said softly.

And Jazz did not, he absolutely did not panic.

"Wh- what do Ah do!?" He demanded, getting up from behind his mate and pacing, watching anxiously as Prowl laid on his front, hindquarters up in the air and wings flared for extra balance.

Moaning in pain, his wings twitched as he felt the first egg sliding within him, ready to be laid. He felt his entrance stretch painfully, and groaned as he pushed, willing the egg to drop.

"Just- argh- just make sure the egg is fine!" Jazz jumped as Prowl howled, claws digging into the soft leaves his nest was made of, and the first egg dropped with a soft thud.

Panting, the white and black mountain dragon tried to look back to see if the egg was okay.

"H- how is it?" He asked his frozen mate.

Jazz shook himself out of his trance, laying flat on the ground next to Prowl's head, watching the egg. It didn't look like the normal oval eggs he had seen in other nests, nor Prowl's lost one. This one looked like two eggs had decided to fuse together, but the colors on it showed that the fledgling inside was certainly alive; half of it was yellow, and the other was red. For a moment, he feared how the fledgling would hatch, but immediately dismissed the thought, he would love it no matter what.

Prowl arching his back brought Jazz back to the present, and he watched as another egg fell from Prowl's dilated vent. This one was much smaller than the fused one, its colors red and white.

"Jaaazz!" Prowl cried, contractions hitting him once again and he pushed hard, feeling that this one would be the last egg.

"It's okay baby, you're doing great!" A part of him was angry that Prowl had gone through this completely alone the first time. If he ever found the dragon that had mated with his mate before him and just left him, he was going to do something very drastic! Granted, he'd like to track all the dragons that had mated with Prowl during his past heat cycles, but the last held a special place in his 'must be mauled' list.

Closing his eyes shut, Prowl whipped his tail in the air, pushing with all his might, and sighing in relief as he felt the last egg leave him. He let himself fall to the side, his back to the cavern's wall and looked over their eggs, his heart freezing at the sight.

Jazz nuzzled his neck as a wail left him, eyes mournfully locked on the last egg.

It was grey.


Title: Scare
Rating: T

"No no no no no!" Prowl wailed, leaning forward, gently nudging the two colored eggs aside to reach the grey one. He didn't feel like he could go through this pain again.

"Baby, calm down." Jazz trilled softly, standing up and laying back down, so the eggs where trapped between both their bodies, licking at Prowl's face soothingly.

"It- it's dead!" He cried, a mournful moan leaving him.

Jazz was about to say something, but the grey egg suddenly wobbling startled them both.


As one, both stuck their heads to the small egg, Jazz adding his own illuminating flame to see it better. They stared for what appeared like hours, until the egg wobbled again.

Prowl jumped slightly back, wide eyes never leaving the egg.

"It's, "

"Alive!" Jazz finished relieved. He slowly picked the egg up with his tail, and called the two illuminating flames to pose on one side of the egg, and they were able to see the shadow inside. The fledgeling looked much smaller than the egg, but it was with certainty alive and well.

Prowl let out a disbelieving, yet highly content sigh, smiling with love at the sight of the very lively fledgling inside, swimming in the egg’s fluids.

"Oh thank Primus!"

Jazz smiled too, brining the egg back down to his siblings, watching his mate curl around them, purring in joy.

"They're beautiful Prowler." He said softly.

"Yes, they are." Prowl had the same momentarily fear about the apparently fused eggs, but he didn't let it bother him, nuzzling the eggs gently with his snout, before turning loving eyes to his mate.

"Thank you."

Jazz smiled, curling around his mate, long neck resting on Prowl's back as he covered them with one of his large wings.

"Nothing ta thank Prowler, Ah should thank ya fer giving meh the chance ta stay with ya, ta have a family."

Prowl purred, but was too exhausted to respond, and fell asleep, Jazz following soon after as the flames extinguished, leaving them in peaceful darkness.


Title: Hatchlings.
Rating: K+
Warnings: Fluff

"It moved!" Jazz yelled, standing like he was ready to bolt in front of the eggs, snout almost pressed to them. It was a ridiculous sight, and would have been adorable if this weren't the hundredth time Jazz had reacted like this.

"They always move Jazz! It doesn't mean they're going to hatch!" Prowl said irritated by his mate's behavior. Only two weeks had passed, they would not hatch this soon. Maybe in another day if they were lucky. Hadn’t his mate said he had helped with the other dragon’s eggs? It certainly didn’t look like it.

With Jazz's care, Prowl had quickly regained his strength and had been flying back and forth collecting leaves with which he could make a larger nest for their hatchlings to sleep in. His mate had also brought some fruit, its soft texture easy for the hatchlings to bite from, even though they would also drink from Prowl's milk.

Of course, the black horned dragon was too happy about seeing his eggs hatch to even start listening to his mate.

The red and yellow egg, wobbled violently, almost toppling over.

"Wow! Looks like we're gonna have a fighter on our paws!" He said laughing at the display, Prowl could only groan.

In contrast, the red and white egg seemed to shake every once in a while, and Jazz swore over and over again that it had moved from its previous position and was hiding behind the fused egg.

"Awww already looking up to his big sibling for protection!" Jazz cooed, tail practically wagging in delight.

"I'm mated to a hatchling." Prowl muttered dryly, carefully padding the nest, surrounding it with rocks to keep the hatchlings from wandering off in the middle of the night.

"Daww Look at him go!" Resigned, Prowl walked over, and had to admit that their small grey egg was practically rolling in place.

"That hatchling is worryingly hyper." He said deadpanned.

Jazz vibrated giddiness and excitement, his wings flapping full of eagerness to see their hatchlings soon.

"Jazz, calm down, they will hatch when they want to not when you want to!" He scolded, but before his mate could reply, they heard a crack.

Freezing in place, they slowly turned their gaze to the eggs, seeing a long crack on the fused egg, right down the middle.


"Hatching!" Jazz yelled in excitement, laying flat on the ground with his head in between his legs, watching intently as the egg wobbled some more, cracks appearing around its surface. Prowl stood still, head bent and watching the process anxiously; they were still worried about the special care this hatchling would need if their fears were confirmed, but he couldn't wait to meet his child.

They silently watched, the other two eggs showing signs of being close to hatching as well, as more cracks appeared on both sides, rapidly overtaking the whole egg.

Holding their breaths, they watched as the red and yellow egg cracked open down the middle, both halves falling to the side, revealing… two hatchlings!?

"Twins!" Jazz said, tone so full of excitement Prowl was afraid he would pass out. He was though, extremely happy by this turn of events, never once considering the possibility of twins.

The small hatchlings had scales just like Jazz, one red and the other yellow. The red hatchling's front legs were black, as well as the small stubs that would be his horns, while the yellow hatchling's hindquarters were black, as well as the tip of his tail and tips of his ears, the stubs of his horns also black. Both's wings were small, not flaring open completely, and they wouldn't for many months.

They started wailing, having lost the warmth of their egg, fluids making them sticky and slipping as they tried to get up. Prowl stepped over his mate, and started to gently lick them clean, earning identical purrs, both hatchlings nuzzling into him. They were barely the size of the length of his snout! Primus if they were this small, than the other two would be extremely tiny!

"They. Are. Adorable!" Jazz squealed, carefully crawling closer. He reached for the red and white egg, nudging it encouragingly.

It gave a final shake at his touch before a small head poked out of a crack, giving a loud wail.

Prowl and Jazz melted and 'aww-ed' as the twins' ears twitched toward the sound, immediately crawling toward their crying brother, calling out to him in small mewls.

Both parents watched amused and fondly as the egg finished cracking, and the small hatchling fell from within, curling on the spot and crying. He was mostly white, his head red as well as his tail and belly. The twins finally reached their brother, and licked at him soothingly.

"Ah feel like Ah'm gonna die from the cuteness!" Jazz whispered to his mate, and Prowl couldn't help but agree, knowing he was wearing a ridiculously large smile, his eyes tearful in joy.

Prowl helped the twins in cleaning up the red and white, already so proud of his eldest sons. They would be incredible big brothers. He felt a moment of envy, not having one memory of his own brothers treating him like this, but he shook his head to get rid of those thoughts, this was a joyous day, one that would not be ruined by the past.

Jazz brought the last egg, cracks all over, nearer to the other hatchlings, and watched not so patiently with Prowl as it finished cracking. He burst out laughing as the hatchling inside literally rolled out, stopping on his back and letting out a cry, small legs clawing at the air, wings flapping on the ground in an attempt to right himself. It was too cute for words.

Prowl glared at his laughing mate, and quickly uprighted the upset hatchling, gently pushing him toward his brothers, the three hatchlings immediately welcoming him in their cuddling pile; the twins almost laying onto of both their younger brothers protectively.

"Oh Jazz, they're so lovely." Prowl breathed, licking away the remaining egg fluids from the grey hatchling, laughing softly as the twins swiped weakly at his snout for interrupting sleep time; their struggles to get out of their eggs having tired them.

"That they are Prowler." Jazz said kissing him.

Both proud parents got into the large nest, and curled around their hatchlings, both content to stare at their fledglings full of love as they fell asleep. Jazz and Prowl glanced at each other and stole kisses over them, whispering sweet nothings and chuckling softly as their clutch twitched in their sleep.

It was hours before their excitement allowed them to fall asleep, both with happy smiles on their faces.



I adore the ending which for me is shocking XD

Can you guess who the hatchlings are?

Usually, bearded dragon eggs can take between 60 and 120 days to hatch! Didn't want to wait that long.. alleluia for fanfiction! XD

Any mistakes please do tell! I've been over this part so many times and can no longer read it without hating it and am currently brain dead.. XD Gah two extra bunnies bit me while proof reading this, it's why I took so long in posting! *is very sorry*

Gah, ended up not using all the terms... next drabbles! XD

Okay.... I'm going to pass out now..

character: jazz, rating: teen, genre: romance, character: red alert, 'series: draconta, type: series, character: prowl, 'writing: fanfiction, world: au, character: bluestreak, 'fandom: transformers, verse: au, type: drabbles, genre: fluff, character: sunstreaker, character: sideswipe, pairing: jazz/prowl, 2011, genre: family, relationship: slash

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