Be Afraid...;)

Jul 12, 2006 18:09

Renee lives!! Much has happened since I last wrote- I've kept very busy.

Firstly, I got in the Master's Program (after much grucching on my and Beloved-Mother's part). Grrr, stupid college bureaucracy! Nearly cost me my job! But luckily, I was working upon a huge project at work, which NOBODY ELSE wanted to touch, so they needed me back bad. Still working on that project, too. Book appraisals, fun fun.

Also, I made a breakthrough yesterday- I, Renee-who-has-Never-Completed-an-RPG-game-EVER, finished Kingdom Hearts. ::weeps tears of joy:: Oh, the end, so touching! But finished not to my satisfaction, since La-Chan's sister has agreed to let me borrow #2 in exchange for my Sly sequels. No, there is still one more enemy to defeat. Why, Sephiroth, why must you be harder even than the final boss? The longest I lasted was maybe a minute and a half...oh well, I'll work on him another time...

Then, I discovered that I'm headed to Mexico w/the parents last week of July. I'm excited, but worried about what I'm going to eat. See, though Renee is half-Mexican, she got her tastebuds from her mother's side of the family. Oh woe! But Puerto Vallarta is pretty touristy now, I hear, so I'm sure I'll work something out. Bonus point: found out that at (the pier?), there's a statue...of a huge...sea-horse. ::beam!:: Hatori waits for me!

On a related note, since Beloved Parents do not want me stranded without moola in a foreign country, I have received not one, but two credit cards. My disposible income calls to me and my bank account weeps...They're supposed to be for emergencies- well, that Bishounen in Stitches site may not be around forever, so I ordered my Duo Maxwell pattern. I have to get songs from iTunes before I forget what they are. And well, I want my Zuma game, no excuse there. I promise, next month I'll do better!

Well, unless something huge comes up, I'll be back after the trip. Hasta luego!

-Renee, busting out the sunblock
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