Waiting for the Mail...

Jun 02, 2006 15:16

Ah, college bureaucracy...how I dislike it. Very, very much. After having faith that my application to the Master's Program of my choice was progressing through the system, I find out that it never got where it needed to be in the first place! Argh! Now they have to resend it to my program co-ordinator, who is on vacation for two weeks, and now it should be done around the 12th of June. ::sigh::

However, to keep from inflicting major hurt upon real-life people, I turn to Final Fantasy. Right now, I'm playing #9, and thanks to giftcards, I should be getting #8 in the mail in a few days. Hence, the avatar of chibi-black mage Vivi. Maw, the cuteness. I fear the electricity bill in the upcoming months...but oh well!

Two months, x days and counting until Kureno-cover goodness!

-Renee, shameless FF fangirl
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