[kisskisssmooch! take 2]

Sep 03, 2007 22:07

(( I prefer posting these in batches but this one got long and I liked it too much to sit on it until more are done, so here you go. ))

Kiss meme results for the_iscariot:

Remus/Severus. canon-compliant. 1977-ish. 830 words.

It was late. Really late. Remus hated it when he pulled last rounds, especially when the full moon had just passed. He needed to rest, dammit. But here he was, prowling the halls in search of ... well ... people like his friends, really. They were all tucked away in bed, resting up for the following day's Quidditch match, though, so he wasn't worried about running into them and having to pretend to dole out punishment.

Remus was just about ready to go back upstairs and pass out, too, when a light in the Potions classroom caught his attention. Frowning, he headed toward it to see who in their right mind was up and working at this hour. It had better be Professor Slughorn, he thought but somehow he doubted it.

Indeed, when Remus poked his head around the edge of the door he caught sight of none other than Sniv-- Severus Snape. He wasn't working, though. It seemed he'd fallen asleep. Remus crept closer, not quite sure what to do. He couldn't leave Snape sleeping here all night but Snape was cranky enough normally and Remus didn't fancy dealing with him when he'd been woken from a nap.

Scratching the back of his neck, Remus studied the other boy as he considered his options. It occurred to him that Snape really wasn't as ugly as people said. Sure, he was kind of greasy. Remus supposed he would be, as well, if he spent so much time over simmering cauldrons. Whose hair didn't look a little limp after double Potions? And, yes, Snape's nose was rather large, but so was Remus' and he was never teased for it. Not really, at least.

It had to be the scowl, Remus decided. That must be what people labelled as 'ugly.' In his sleep, though, Snape didn't scowl and Remus thought the worst he could be called was, perhaps, 'plain,' which was exactly how Remus thought of himself. He wasn't certain how much he liked thinking of Snape in terms that he used for himself...

As he stood there, something dawned on him. The page Snape's book was open to contained the directions for preparing Amortentia. But when Remus leaned closer to the cauldron and sniffed, he could smell sopohorous, valerian, asphodel, bitter wormwood... "Oh, no," he muttered. That was definitely Draught of Living Death, not Amortentia. And that was certainly not a mistake Snape would make. Remus doubted Snape could mess up a potion that badly if he tried. If at least one Marauder didn't have something to do with this, Remus would eat his hat.

"Snape?" Remus called softly, shaking the other boy's shoulder gently. He hadn't expected it to work, but Snape gave a dazed groan. "Come on, you'll be in trouble if you don't get back to your common room, Snape," he insisted. It didn't look like Snape would be getting there on his own any time soon, though. Remus cleaned up, packed everything into Snape's bag and shouldered it himself before slipping under the Slytherin's arm to use it for leverage as he half-dragged his stumbling peer toward his home in the castle.

It was a bit of a struggle; Snape's bag weighed about as much as Snape himself. It wasn't much for a person but it was a lot for books and Remus was already tired to begin with. When they finally reached the blank stone wall that led to the Slytherin common room, Remus leaned against it and tapped Snape's face lightly. "Snape. Wake up. You need to, at least enough to say the password. Snape. Come on."

"Lily?" he asked groggily.

"Er. No," Remus said uncomfortably. "No. Uh. Snape, it's me. It's Lupin. You have to get into your common room, it's after midnight. Snape?"

"Hi, Lily. Guess what, Lily. Lily. I love you."

"You... What? No, Snape, I'm not L--" Remus' words were cut off by Snape's mouth on his own, and his body pressing him back against the stone wall. There was a low moan at the back of Remus' throat. He wasn't sure if it was made in protest or ... not. Thank Merlin nobody was around to hear or see this, at least...

"Mrf," Remus said desperately once he managed to get Snape a few inches away. "Right..." His voice sounded terribly weak. "Um. Right. You'll... Um. Yes. You'll be fine here in the corridor, then," he muttered more to comfort himself than to communicate with Snape. "Someone will find you in the morning. And you'll be all right until then. Right." Blinking rapidly in shock and confusion, Remus lowered Snape into a sitting position against the wall, wedged his bag next to him and let him slump as comfortably as possible against it.

Remus stared at Snape for a few moments longer, muttered one final, "Right," and then turned on his heels to return to Gryffindor Tower as quickly as possible. He was going to kill whoever tricked Snape into taking that potion...

~severus snape, !memes

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