[kisskisssmooch! take 3]

Sep 04, 2007 02:01

Kiss meme results for auror_aura:

Remus/Tonks. canon-compliant (I think). 1977-ish. 460 words.

Sirius, Peter and James thought the best thing about having Sirius' favourite cousin living nearby in Hogsmeade was the fact that she supplied them with all kinds of things that were against school rules with little to no questioning. Remus thought the best thing was what said cousin demanded as payment for these illegal substances: babysitting services.

Every now and then, Andromeda Black (now Tonks, but still undeniably a Black) would show up at Hogwarts to set the Headmaster with that oh-so-charming slate grey gaze and flash her dazzlingly pretty smile while asking if she could borrow her cousin and his friends for an evening so she could get some things done without her whirlwind of a child raising hell and Metamorphing without regard for any Muggles that might be around.

Tonight James had Quidditch practice and Peter made excuses about school work even though everyone knew he just didn't want to go anywhere without James, so Remus and Sirius had to face the task alone. Four-year-old Dora was supposed to be in bed by eight o'clock but it was half nine before Sirius was flat on his face, snoring into the living room carpet and Remus convinced the little girl to let him tuck her in.

As Remus carried her up the stairs to her room, Dora wrapped her limbs around him tightly and rested her head on his shoulder, pressing her face against his neck. "You smell like chocolate," she said, her muffled voice tickling him a little. "Do you have chocolate? I want chocolate."

"I have some, yes, but you can't have it right now. I'll leave it in the kitchen. Tomorrow, if your Mum says yes, you can have it with your tea. All right?"

"Yes." He could feel her smile against his neck. "Remus, let's get married."

Remus laughed as he set Dora down on her bed and watched her climb under the covers. "I think, Miss Dora, that your Dad would be upset with me for stealing his little girl."

"It isn't stealin' if I wanna go," she pointed out reasonably.

"Well, I can hardly argue with that," he chuckled, lowering himself to sit at the edge of her bed and reaching out to ruffle her hair which she made flash through the colours of the rainbow, just for his entertainment. "I'm too old for you, anyway. Someday you'll find a handsome boy your own age. You'll marry him and be very happy and you'll forget all about me."

Dora frowned, looking thoroughly distressed by this prediction. She crawled into Remus' lap, wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. "I won't forget you," she said gravely. "Ever."

Remus smiled a little and gave her a soft squeeze. "We'll see," he murmured.

~andromeda black (tonks), ~nymphadora tonks, !memes, ~sirius black

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