
Sep 03, 2007 07:05

Note to books_clevernes: Yours is on the way. I came up with an idea I liked as I was falling asleep one night and I didn't sit up to write it down because I was certain I'd be able to remember it. Well. It didn't work out that way. And now every time I come up with something for it, I end up thinking, "That'd work but it's not my original idea. Woe." If the original idea doesn't return soon, though, I'll just suck it up and write something else. XD So be patient with me. ♥

Otherwise, here are the kiss meme results (so far -- you can still request kisses!):

For frank_auror:

Remus/Frank. hpsixwords-compliant. canon-compliant, too, really. 1980. 215 words.

The frantic pounding on the front door nearly made the entire house shake, or so it seemed in their current state of intense worry. Remus frowned as three wands including his own were all drawn in unison. "You two stay here," he told Lily and Benjy. "I'll go see who it is."

Remus moved carefully out into the front hall and looked out the peep-hole to see Frank Longbottom standing on the front step. "Identify yourself!" Remus called to him. One could never be too careful.

"It's me, you daft bugger, let me in!" Frank said, sounding much more excited than annoyed.

The door burst open and Remus nearly hexed Frank into next Thursday out of sheer surprise. But the other man had gripped him by the wrists and was ... dancing? Yes, he was dancing around in gleeful circles, babbling loudly and mostly incoherently. Remus barely caught the words "Alice," "baby," "boy," "perfect," "amazing," and "Neville" before Frank grabbed his shoulders, pulled him in and kissed him full on the mouth.

With that, the other man dashed off to the living room to announce the birth of his son to Lily and Benjy, leaving Remus standing in the middle of the hallway, wand still at the ready, jaw slightly dropped, blinking in vague confusion.

For no_black_sheep:

Remus/Andromeda. hpsixwords-compliant. after St. Mungo's battle. 300 words.

The healers had insisted on keeping Andromeda at least overnight for observation. She'd tried to put her foot down about it but in the end she had to give in and agree to stay. It was the first time Remus could recall ever seeing her not get her way.

She was asleep now, obviously exhausted from the encounter with Greyback. And rightfully so! One didn't engage in battle with Fenrir Greyback and come out alive without putting up one hell of a good fight.

Remus sat at her bedside in the otherwise empty room (Dora had stepped out for a few minutes) and just looked at her. Broken ribs; shattered wrist, thanks to a bite; probably a concussion. He scowled. He should've been there. Greyback should have been his responsibility. He was the only one the bastard couldn't infect. Instead, Andromeda and Sirius had their arses handed to them, and who knew what sort of long-term effects their injuries would have?

Anger surged in Remus' chest. Sirius and Andromeda were his. They were part of his "pack," to use terms that Greyback understood. They belonged to him. Greyback had no damn right to touch them. Reaching out, Remus touched Andromeda softly, fingertips brushing lightly over the bandages on her wrist. He wasn't going to stand for this; Greyback had taken more than enough from him already.

Rising from his seat, Remus leaned over Andromeda, kissed her cheek, and then rested his forehead against hers for a moment. He hadn't been there to keep her safe this time, but nobody would hurt her again if he had anything to say about it.

With an air of sheer determination, he turned and left to find Dora and tell her he'd see her later. He had thinking to do and plans to make.

For drooblesnowords:

Remus/Alice. hpsixwords-compliant. after DH epilogue. 225 words.

"I'm glad you stopped by, Remus," Alice said, smiling at him as she walked him to the front door. "It was nice catching up with you. We'll have to do this more often so we don't fall behind again."

"Definitely," Remus agreed with a nod. "We might even be able to make a weekly thing out of it. And next time I'll supply the biscuits."

Alice laughed softly and put her hand on the doorknob. "Sounds like a fair deal. I'll be seeing you soon, then."

She lifted herself up on her toes and he leaned down a bit so they could exchange a quick, friendly kiss on the cheek before he made his departure. But they missed their mark just slightly. And neither of them pulled back right away.

The seconds stretched out and when they finally broke apart both of them looked surprised and embarrassed. "Er," Remus said, ever the epitome of eloquence.

"Quite," Alice murmured, sounding a little baffled. "Um. Shall we try that again?"

Remus wasn't sure exactly what Alice was hoping for but he nodded his assent anyway. This time they didn't miss. Both of them smiled as they pulled back from the perfectly innocent farewell gesture and a silent understanding passed between them. That was how it had been right from the start; that first kiss hadn't even happened.

For pinkhairedauror:

Remus/Tonks. canon-compliant. during Deathly Hallows. 300 words.

Remus closed the front door behind himself and reset the Muggle locks and all the protective wards and spells before shrugging off his travelling cloak and heading for the kitchen. He found Tonks already there, fussing over something at the stove; it looked like she was making tea.

"Pistachio nuts, mini Jaffa Cakes, chocolate ice cream, cheese and onion Cheddars, gherkins, and a half a dozen Topic bars," Remus announced as he set the bag in his arms down on the table. "Did I forget anything?"

"Nope! That's everything!" Tonks replied without turning around. "Thanks, Remus."

"It was no trouble." Well. Not much trouble, at least. He'd had to try a couple of different places before he found the mini Jaffa Cakes instead of just the regular ones. He didn't mind, though. Whatever kept her happy.

Remus put away the ice cream and the pickles and then crossed the room to stand behind Tonks. His arms wrapped around her, hands sliding over the ever-growing swell of her belly. "Are you going to share the ice cream or should I have gotten more?" he asked, nuzzling at the back of her neck.

"Oh, I'm definitely sharing. I have big plans for that ice cream later." Remus didn't have to see her face; the devious smirk came through loud and clear in the tone of her voice. "And for the rest of the whipped cream, too..."

An eyebrow quirked upward and Remus reached around Tonks to turn the tea kettle off. Turning her around to face him, he curled his fingers in her hair and met her lips with his in a long, slow, heated kiss that left them both a little breathless when they pulled apart. "Forget this 'later' business. I think we have big plans for that ice cream now."

~frank longbottom, ~andromeda black (tonks), ~nymphadora tonks, !memes, ~alice coye (longbottom)

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