Jan 12, 2006 01:41
What was the first album/CD/Cassette you ever bought? When my parents got our first CD player in 8th grade they joined a CD club and let us each pick a CD and I picked Weezer (the blue album), a fact I am quite proud of.
Which song gives you that "funny nostalgic feeling" every time you hear it? Gotta go with Ann on the Mrs. Potter;s Lullabye. Also, Shine by Pat McGee makes me wistful for the tour and hanging out with Ann and Maddie. Lastly, Wonderful Tonight messes me up, still.
Name your fave song at the moment: A Change in My Life
What is the most recent album/CD/Cassette you purchased? Live and Electric, I believe
Which song will you never get sick of hearing? All I Want Is You- U2, This Aint a Love Song- Bon Jovi
What is your favorite noise to hear? Sammy, Evan and Luke laughing. The loon upnorth at night.
You just found $50 while cleaning your house. Where do you decide to spend it? The Apple Store. I want accessories for my iPod.
What magazines do you subscribe to/read on a normal basis? Time.
What things did you enjoy as a child that you still do today? Reading, singing, swimming, going upnorth, constructing elaborate fantasies to pass the time.
How old were you when you got your drivers license? 19. Sad I know. Now I love driving sooo much.
Did you get your own car right away, use the family car, or bum rides from friends? Got my own.
What was your first car and what was it like? Fucking purple berretta. We are ready to part ways. We hate each other.
How old were you when you got your first traffic ticket and what happened? I was 21 and I was driving to Hannah's from Brakeville's a few days after Ben and I broke up. Fuck all.
What is the first book you remember reading? Jessy reading us Little Princess upnorth or my mom reading us the fairy tale book with the girl who had diamonds fall from her mouth when she talked.
Pick up the nearest book (magazine or any available printed material will do). Turn to page 24 (or the closest to it). Go to the 7th line. What is it? "It is not enough to give mental assent to the fact that God has redeemed the world, nor even to know that the Holy Spirit can make all that Jesus did a reality in my life." Wow "My Utmost for His Highest"- you're a little intense.
If you could be any character in literature, who would you be? Probably Anne Shirley. She is funny, pretty, a writer, has a great family, lives in a farm house and ends up with Gilbert. I'll take that.
What is the best dessert you've ever had? Apple Chimicheesecake. Mmmmmmm.
Is there a dessert that just plain grosses you out? Not likely.
Straight out of the container or with lots of toppings, tell us how you like your ice cream: Usually plain, maybe with sprinkles.
Cookie dough, brownie mix, cake batter, or the finished products? I like both. Clearly.
Which keys do you have on your key chain? Front door, back door, my parents' house, my car, Gayles. Somewhere I have keys to Hannah's house and ben's house.
What does the color purple make you think of? Old school Gayles. (shudder)
What was the last concert you attended? Hanson in Tulsa. If that counts...
Do you celebrate St. Patrick's Day? If so, how? Its my birthday! The best part of the day is for sure when my dad calls and leaves me a message pretending to be a leprechaun wishing me a happy birthday. He has done this every year since I started college it is beyond funny. It's also Maddie's day!
What was the tastiest meal you had this past week? Mmmmm, I had Applebee's steak and garlic mashed potatoes.
What is a word that your family uses that would not be considered common? Do white trash mispronunciations count? If so, we should talk.
Name 3 things you can see at this moment: Two empty glasses, my printer, my iPod.
Well that was a nice time waster. Not too much is new. Started school this week, keep your fingers crossed scheduling stuff goes ok. I bought Uggs on Sunday!!! They are my most favorite things in the world. I may be turning into one of the ladies I babysit for.
Did you see Lost tonight?? Eco!!! I am very glad this show is back. Also, I think I am adding Vince Vaughn to my celebrity five, which has been in shambles and confusion lately. Here is a rough draft:
1. Zac Hanson
2. Jon Bon Jovi
3. Conan O Brian
4. Vince Vaughn
5. Matthew Fox? Who knows? See, its sad. Maybe I should just give in and put JLo here. I would be majorly gay for JLo.
Thats enough of this. I need sleep. I don't have to get up at 6:30 tomorrow! YES!!