Jan 09, 2006 21:47
Lately, Layla wakes up in the middle of the night and does not go back to sleep unless she is in our bed.
Last night, I was exhausted and took two sleeping pills. If Layla fussed last night, I didn't hear her. This morning, Tony found Devon in the crib with Layla. His arm was draped over her. When we questioned him about it, he said that he heard her crying and waited for me or Tony to get up and take her to our bed. When we didn't, he decided to crawl in her crib and comfort her. We also asked if it was still dark when this happened because usually, when she cries, it's around 3 or 4 in the morning, but Devon said it was light outside. So that makes me feel less guilty about not hearing her. But how sweet is that??? My little guy was actually being nice to his sister!!
Then, a few minutes ago, Tony ran the water for Layla's bath. Let me remember to say that Layla adores taking a bath. When we say, "Layla, it's time for a bath", she laughs and takes off running to the bathroom. Well, when her feet touched the bath, she began crying and reached for Tony. Tony immediately grabbed her and called me over. He told me what had happened and asked me to feel the water because he thought it felt ok but wanted my opinion. The water was the perfect temperature so we couldn't figure out the problem. I then tried to put Layla in the tub. Again, as soon as her feet touched the bottom, she freaked out. At that point, I realized the problem. Yesterday, I purchased a bath mat that sticks to the bottom of the bath to keep Layla from slipping. (As I mentioned, she loves taking baths and gets very rambunctious.) So the feel of the mat was freaking her out!!! Once we placed her on the part of the tub not covered by the mat, she was fine and began splashing as usual. But anytime her leg or foot touched the edge the of the mat, she would quickly move away from it. Only after I rubbed on the mat for awhile would she venture to touch it. She still won't stand on it though. ::giggling::