Horitsuba Gakuen = CLAMP on BAD crack?

Feb 19, 2008 12:39

Recently for an undisclosed fic exchange contest I've been writing a fic for the TRC/Holic Drama CDs, Horitsuba Gakuen. And I've made a discovery about it...

Horitsuba!Fay is really fucking annoying.

No really! It doesn't come across very well in the Drama CDs or in the omakes since his role in them are so small but when you try writing him, you realize he's so damn cheerful all the time and you start wondering why Kurogane puts up with it.

I realize that Horitsuba!Fay is based off of pre-Acid Tokyo!Fay but he's not annoying there since the cheerfulness was all an act and you spend all your time wondering what he's hiding. All that stuff that make pre-Acid Tokyo!Fay interesting is gone in Horitsuba and all that's left is HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY!

Onto an unrelated topic: It drives me crazy when I see fans calling Watanuki by his given name. Especially when they're talking about TRC because with a series that's connected to every CLAMP story except for Wish and Legal Drug, I'm going to think they're talking about some other character (and spend several minutes racking my brain trying to remember what character I've forgotten) before I realize they mean Watanuki. Why is it so hard to use the name that all the characters call him?

minor bitching, clamp, fic exchanges

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