Sweet Jesus, there are times I wish I became a cop!

Feb 22, 2008 15:29

Ten minutes ago I was almost in a bad car accident thanks to some asshole which very well could have ended in a serious injury or death.

I was on my way home from Best Buy after picking up 'Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations' (since it's dirt-cheap now that Apollo Justice is out and I had a Best Buy certificate which made it even cheaper). Things are good, it was a 80 km/h zone and I was making good time when I see a car driving in the opposite direction pull off to the side of the road to let the car behind him pass. Nothing wrong with that, you see it often on back roads but then that car which had pulled over proceeded to MAKE A LEFT HAND TURN RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME.

Fucking bastard. I had to slam on the breaks (yay for ABS! THANK GOD it was working!) and was INCHES from hitting him. There's no fucking way he couldn't have seen me. I drive van, a bright Aqua coloured van and always have my daytime running lights on. It's impossible not to see me!

That bastard should be thanking his lucky stars that it was me and not someone else because most drivers wouldn't have been able to stop in time. I have a ridiculously fast reaction time thanks to growing up playing video games, in particular playing racing games at the arcade.

If I did hit him? One of us had the possibility of being bumped into the dump-truck that was passing by when it happened.

And to think, I take that road because "it's safer" than the main route.
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