Air Gear

Feb 17, 2008 16:15

Yeah, I know I don't talk about Air Gear much despite the fact it's one of my favourite series that I'm currently reading. Mainly because I was taking a break from it when [spoiler] turned evil and when [spoiler] died and not a lot has been happening since then.

But then of course something just had to happen to Agito/Akito in the recent chapters!

So Agito/Akito has another personality inside of him named Lind, who is the original persona.

I'm not really sure how I feel about that since Agito/Akito is my favourite character. Lind gives them another interesting twist on the character, which I like but I really don't want to see Agito/Akito disappear for good and is replaced by Lind (even though I do find Lind interesting).

I guess my opinion will be formed over the next few chapters. What I really want to see is for Lind to disappear again until the next time he's needed and that the rest of the group don't know about him. That way we get the best of both worlds of having Agito/Akito around AND Lind.

I'm totally not surprised though that Lind/Agito/Akito is a Gravity Child. I suspect his brother is as well since Kaito is really determined to bring down Genesis and we've seen him in the past working with Kilik. I figured it was just going to be a matter of time before we found out that Agito/Akito was one and that he simply lost his memories of that time (little did I know he didn't have memories of that time because he was Lind then!).

air gear

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