(no subject)

Mar 14, 2005 20:07

Dear all the places I applied for jobs at that haven't gotten back to me yet, the number of which is dwindling at a steady pace:

Hi. Unlike all the other fuckwit places out there, you haven't told me yet whether or not I fall miserably short of your teaching standards. I know I might seem young, but I damn well know my stuff. I can wax epical on the Huxleys when drunk and/or legally high, of whom I have spent no time in class studying. I am obsessed with theory, which not many people are nowadays and have the tendency to go off on German philosophy for hours with a willing audience present. I am most likely a better teacher than half the fuckwits you have on staff, which might not say a lot for them, but it doesn't say a lot for you. I have been single-handedly teaching the core course in my MA program for the past eighteen weeks here. If it was up to the 'real' professor, we'd all be floundering like fish out of water, and yes, I realize the pun there. If you don't believe me, ask the five others who I spend hours with a week, who would be completely lost and halfway to the looney bin without me, and no, I am not being arrogant. This is what they tell me when I lead four-hour study groups, when I meet with them individually, when I read over their essays and help the revise, when I lead the class because our professor is apparently bloody unable and was only hired because he's published.

Moral of the letter? Give me a fucking chance, people.

No respect, and in full realization that this will most likely result in more rejections,


rants, rl

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