(no subject)

Mar 15, 2005 22:38

A big Happy Birthday to Maz, who is a young whippersnapper now joining us in the ol' fart section--*Grin*

Nothing to write, really. Um. Two essays done and ready to be turned in for comments from profs? One more to start, once stupid Tim emails me back. Rumbly tummy from dinner?

Speaking of, I ordered this trilogy of books about...a month ago, now, I think. And I read either a fraction of one of them, or one of them, or flip through all of them, just about every day, to the point where I know what page my favourite bits are on, or can quote the dialogue in my head, or am comparing things in RL to things in BJT life.

Tis odd, how I'm not tired of them yet. Of course, maybe it's a writer thing, because I do it with her Tir Alainn books as well.

school, books, inanity

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