They Were Out On The Streets

Jun 22, 2009 14:26

It was two days ago when I had a Silent Hill dream. Normally I'm a daydreamer; I don't have many dreams at night anymore, these days. But my dreams are extremely realistic and vivid - the sort of vivid where if I burned myself in the dream, it would wake me up and feel like a real life burn. My dreams are strong, and mix that with Silent Hill, and well, I'm sure you can begin to imagine.

It took place at my house right now. The area of town was just like it is as normal: cars driving everywhere, people yelling at each other from across the street, the usual. But for some reason unexplained, I could see Silent Hill like creatures. They were completely invisible during the day. But when the sun began to set, you began to see the monsters standing lifelessly everywhere, wherever they may have been when the sun rose. They would become more and more clear the further the sun went down, their ugly frames coming into full view as the sky turned deeper shades of orange and bruised purple. Their bodies would start moving slightly at first. And as soon as the sun hit the horizon line, the creatures would come alive. They were hideous, and made ugly wails on ocassion. Every time I would personally glimpse a new one, this horrible screeching noise would go through every corner of my head, like chalk screeching on a chalkboard, echoing through a tunnel at full volume.

And that was the point of the dream. I could see these creatures, while the rest of the world went about their daily lives. I had to try to keep people from leaving the house at night, and I always had to be upstairs before the creatures fully came to life. Because if I wasn't, I would attract their attention, and they would chase me down until the sun rose (and obviously climb the stairs, break down the door, and that'd be the end of me).

At one point, I had to tell someone else about the creatures, because they were trying to leave the house for some stupid reason while the monsters patrolled the house. And as soon as I told them, they could see the monsters too. It made me feel really sad that I got them so scared... So it was the two of us, and we had to try to protect ourselves from the creatures by staying indoors, and all we could see were the ugly things outside our windows.

There was one incident where I was caught while the sun was almost setting. I was over by the park, which is quite a long way away, and I was doing something I can't remember clearly (I think my bike was broken or something, so I was stuck there trying to fix it). Well, the sun started setting, and the creatures began to come into view, then start moving, then trying to get me! But they weren't fully realized yet, so they couldn't move very fast (not like they could move fast anyway... with their not-completely-normal legs, they just kind of plod along). But they screamed at me, and tried to walk toward me; none of them had faces or arms; they all dripped blood, and had pale skin with horrible bruises all over. GAH. I had to run from the park to home, with the creatures everywhere. By the time I crossed the railroad tracks, the sun was almost completely down, and the creatures had a lot of strength and ability. There were new creatures on the way to my house, the last block I needed to run before safety. They couldn't see me, but they could hear me, and came constantly in my direction because of my footsteps - these had arms, and they reached out for me, grabbing at my shirt and hair. They were grouping around my house the closer I got, and right before the sun went entirely down, and they could truly follow me, I slammed the door... they scraped the windows and banged the door, but couldn't get through.

I woke up a couple times through the night because of the dream, but as soon as I woke back up, the dream picked up where it had left off. So terrifying... Just the vision of the creatures alone is enough to make me shiver and sick to my stomach. It wasn't a nightmare though... it didn't force me to wake up - I just woke up for various reasons, like weird noises from the air conditioner, or sunlight through the window. Btu still... Wah! I'm just glad I vented it all here right now, and hopefully the dream won't come back any time soon. Done.
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