Anxiety report

Aug 28, 2005 14:09

Working on my anxiety issues with Lucida Bassett's "From Panic to Power"..

She says people with anxiety disorders over intellectualize, overanalyze and use their creativity to envision the worst possible scenarios. check

...sometimes people hear horror stories on news and think what if I did that?... check esp. hurting my kids/leaving them in the car in the summer

She mentions one of the reasons she married her husband is that her doesn't worry, flip out or lose his temper much. check

...she didn't know that her fears about being in certain situations, which were strong enough for her to actively avoid them, was a form of agoraphobia... check

Failure is an inevitable part of the path to success.

The goal is to do better than you have before.

The anxiety of staying stagnant and feeling out of control is much worse than the anxiety of changing and challenging yourself.

Personal Anxiety Evaluation pg. 37

My anxieties are:
Heights (doesn't count - everyone has that one)
Talking in front of others
Socializing with people med. to large sized groups

That's "all" from the whole list she has down. But it's significant. I get so nervous teaching in front of adults that my observed lessons for student teaching were never near as good as my unobserved lesson with just the kids. I don't think on my feet when they are there, my head gets cloudy, I forget words, heart rate increases etc.

I worry that in social situations I won't be able to read enough people to know what I should be saying. I always worry about being judgmental and opinionated.

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