Failure to Appear

Jan 13, 2013 18:32

Title: ailure To Appear
Summary: ll human AU set in the future. Derek is a bounty hunter & Stiles failed to appear on his court date. Derek accepts the job of tracking down Stiles; despite their history together.
Warnings: anguage
Rating Mature 
Chapters 1/? 
Notes: kay so apparently I get all my inspiration from movies because I lack imagination? Plus my love for Gerard Butler (shh). Anyway it deviates pretty quickly from the Bounty Hunter, other than the fact that Derek's a bounty hunter. No beta, so mistakes are mine as per usual. 

Derek awoke Friday morning to the noise of someone flushing the toilet and rinsing their hands. He groaned pulling the covers further over his head trying to bury himself as far into the bed as he could. There wasn’t anywhere he could escape to - not in his own apartment and certainly not in a studio apartment, what with the lack of doors and all. The bathroom was the only other room, and that was currently occupied - by Simon.

Simon was Derek’s latest fuck, they’d met at some inconspicuous gay bar - though how inconspicuous could it be in New York? Before they started knocking back a few beers, taking the subway back to Derek’s place. Simon was a few inches shorter than Derek, with blonde hair that often sat in a comb-over, gelled to perfection and watery blue eyes that was literally like looking into the clearest ocean in someplace like Greece - though Derek’s never been there. Simon was quite fit for his age, he was in his early forties and worked at an insurance firm, the breeding place of balding pudgy men and woman who wore baggy knitted sweaters and permed hair.

Derek wasn’t sure how long Simon had been at the bar before he got there, but he sat off to the side sipping on a beer by himself just looking about. That’s what drew Derek in (and the looks), but he wasn’t one of those guys at the bar trying to flirt outright and rather embarrassingly at that. It didn’t take them long to start talking and when Derek went to hand Simon another beer that’s when he noticed the glint of a gold ring on Simon’s ring finger. He was married. Simon had quickly caught on and tried to tell Derek that yes, he was married but he was getting divorced. Derek called bullshit. That’s when Simon sighed, looked away sheepishly when he confessed everything to Derek.

Simon was married, with three children at home, and a wife. A wife. He explained that while he loves his wife he’s always had feelings for men, and things have been going rather slowly at home in terms of his sex life with his wife, he just wasn’t satisfied. He swore it was his first time in a gay bar, since he’d been married - Derek believed he was telling the truth on that part. Simon just wanted an escape, some sex, and he figured acting on his gay fantasies as opposed to sleeping with another woman was less cruel. Hardly. But Derek was no priest and he certainly stood on no moral high grounds, so he knocked back his beer and muttered something about Simon following him out. And here they were.

“Hey” Simon announced as he exited the bathroom to sit on the opposite side of the bed to put on his socks and shoes. “You busy tomorrow night? Lynne and the kids aren’t back until Monday night.”

“I’ll call you” answered Derek from the warmth of his cocoon he was currently wrapped in. “Out” he demanded.

“Don’t forget” Simon replied as he leaned over, pulling the covers away from Derek’s wrapped face to place a quick kiss. Derek barely returned the kiss before growling at Simon to get out.

Derek started to think this was becoming more work than it was worth, but if he were being honest with himself he couldn’t be bothered to try and go out and find a new fuck, and the chances of him getting one that was so readily available wasn’t likely. At the very least Simon was always up for sex. And Derek really needed the distraction this weekend; he didn’t need to be reminded about that, what was meant to be joyous weekend all those years ago.

When he heard the click of the door indicating that Simon had finally left, he tossed the covers down the length of his body, getting up and ready for work. He put on the first pair of jeans his hands laid on, a black t-shirt and his beloved leather jacket, despite the humid July New York morning that it was. He skipped out on breakfast, opting to pick up something on the way.


Stiles woke to the loud sound of drums banging non-stop. It was too early for any sort of parade, even if it was Independence Day Weekend. That’s when he realised the never ending clatter of drums weren’t actually drums at all, but his head throbbing to the beat of The Perfect Drug by Nine Inch Nails. He was nursing the worst hangover in the history of hangovers and it was barely 8 am. He peeked open one eye, not wanting the sun to cause temporary blindness - he saw a perfectly white shaggy carpet, a white nightstand with a few books stacked up in perfect alignment and white panelled walls. Even with the curtains closed, all the whiteness was like looking outside at the newly fallen snow, rather blinding. Although the apartment was nice, he realised it wasn’t his. He opened his other eye bolting straight up in the comfy bed that he swore was perfectly contoured to every inch of his body - to have a look around.

“Morning sunshine” a man said smiling as he entered the bedroom, dressed in only a pair of white boxers (what was with this guy and white).

“Morning?” Stiles questioned hoarsely. Mainly because it was still the early morning, he was hung over and he had no idea where the hell he was.

“Here” the man said handing Stiles a tray with a steaming cup of coffee, two croissants and a bowl of blueberries - Stiles’ mouth was already salivating.

Stiles said his thanks, smiling up at the man before him when it finally all started coming back to him. His name was Adriano, about Stiles’ height but while they shared a similar height, Adriano looked like a fucking model - oh wait, he was Stiles remembered. He had light brown skin, with glorious abs, and defined everything from his cheekbones to his thighs. He had dark brown, or maybe even black wavy hair that was currently falling into his eyes yet somehow made him look adorable set with dark brown eyes.

This was all Lydia’s fault. She had insisted her, her current roommate David (and Stiles was pretty sure her secret boyfriend even though she maintained they only lived together because they worked together which made it easier) that they go out on the town and take advantage of the cheap drinks they always served on a Thursday to lure in customers before the weekend started. Stiles knew it was just her attempt at a distraction so that Stiles’ wouldn’t sit around moping, not that that’s what he was going to do anyway. He had tried to come up with an excuse, he had an early morning, he wasn’t feeling well, he was going to go jump off a cliff. None of it worked. So off Lydia, David and Stiles went, out to the bar where they met Adriano - and so here Stiles was, on a Friday morning in a stranger’s bed.

“I had a good time last night” drawled Adriano in his sexy accent that Stiles’ was pretty sure he had said was from Spin, as he sat next to Stiles’ popping a blueberry in his mouth.

“Mmm me too” Stiles lied as he bit into his croissant. He may have damn well had a good time last night, but his brain was still a little fuzzy and he’s having a hard time remembering what happened after actually arriving at Adriano’s apartment. He was going to kill Lydia. At 28, he was adamant that he was over the whole one night stand thing, and yet here he was.

“We should do it again then?” Adriano asked “I’m off to Porto, Portugal tomorrow for a few weeks for work, but when I get back?”

“Umm sure?” squeaked Stiles’ in response. This is what he hated, the whole awkward morning after, he always felt bad just trying to leave.

“Great” beamed Adriano, as he leaned over Stiles’ grabbing his phone off of the floor where it has obviously been tossed the previous night in a haste to get naked. Adriano programmed his number into Stiles’ phone, before calling his own phone so that he could save Stiles’ number.

Stiles quickly drank down his coffee as fast as he could without burning his mouth, because quite frankly he needed the coffee, and the coffee was some good shit. It must have been imported or something, because Stiles’ has never tasted something so orgasmic before. He couldn't resist asking where it was from before he left. Adriano has chuckled telling him it was from Spain, Torrefacto. Stiles made a note to pick some up if he ever went to Spain, before he was out the door grumbling about being late for work.


“Nice of you to show up Derek” Erica teased from where she sat at her desk, chewing loudly on a piece of gum. While Derek had grown fond of Erica these past few months, nothing was more annoying than having to listen to someone chew their gum like a cow chewing cud. On the bright side, he wasn't in the office a lot.

Derek grunted in response, plopping down on the black leather sofa Boyd had crammed in front of the window that read Boyd’s Bail Bonds accompanied by the phone number. The shop was in Williamsburg. Not the nicest areas, but not the worse. On the bright side, the business got a lot of action, and that’s all that Boyd cared about.

“Where’s Boyd?” Derek asked as he propped his feet up on the table, knocking over a few magazines. He ignored the look Erica gave him, he knew it pissed her off but he didn’t care. She wasn’t his boss; she was the boss’ wife though

“Getting some food” Erica answered. “Wait - aren’t you supposed to have this weekend off? You’ve worked every weekend these past few months?”

“Need the money” Derek lied, shrugging. He could always use the money, that’s true, but he liked an excuse to get out and do something rather than sitting at home doing fuck all.

“Don’t think there will be much action this weekend” Erica explained “Boyd likes to give the fugitives time to relax over the holidays” she continued, laughing at her own little tidbit.

Derek nodded his head, scooting down a little farther on the couch so he could lay his head on the back, closing his eyes and dozing off. While he didn’t drink to the excess, he still had enough that left him feeling a little hung over and it’s not like he got much sleep the night before. He contemplated getting the hell out of the shop before Boyd came back, so he could go sleep it off.

“Derek” Boyd barked as he entered the store, the little bell chiming, breaking Derek out of his little snooze fest “My office.”

Derek sighed, bringing his feet down to the ground with a thud as he made his way to Boyd’s cramped office behind Erica’s desk. He took his usual seat opposite Boyd’s, waiting.

“So uhh, something’s come up” Boyd cleared his throat as he offered Derek a doughnut from the box he brought in with him. Derek nodded his head no, while he was indeed hungry, he wasn’t much of a person to eat junk food.

“Yeah?” Derek asked, quizzically “Something you can’t handle? I can do it for you if you want the weekend off. I’ll probably be done in a few hours, tops” Derek boasted.

“It’s umm, it’s for a Stiles Stilinski” Boyd stammered, even with his dark complexion he had a little visible blush, moving around in his seat showing how uncomfortable he was.

“What?” Derek demanded, sitting up straighter in his chair, eyes zeroing in on Boyd.

“He got into some trouble a few months ago” hedged Boyd “He came to me, saying he tried some other bail bondsmen, but they wouldn’t take him, something about his finances or risk or something. I didn’t think they were that bad, so I took him on.”

“And you took him on?” interrogated Derek, voice rising “You obviously knew who he was to me, and you took him on?”

“It’s not like he knew you worked here, I didn’t say anything” explained Boyd “He was in trouble, needed some help so I helped him. Business is business Derek. If you don’t want to handle him that’s fine I’ll call in one of the other guys.”

“What’d he do?” Derek asked.

“Got caught trying to break into a impound yard, into one of the cars on the lot.”

“Idiot” Derek muttered under his breath.

“If you’re not up for -”

“Oh I’ll do it” Derek smirked “Shouldn’t take me long” he continued, standing up from his seat. “And since it’s the long weekend, I’ll expect double my fee, bonus if I get him in in the next hour and a half.”

“We’ll see Hale” Boyd laughed, handing Derek the papers that contained all of Stiles’ information.

Chapter 2|

all human, stiles stilinski, sterek, teen wolf, au, derek hale

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